bit worried. any advice?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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i know im always asking silly questions and worrying lol!
but iv got this chest infection and have almost lost my voice, sore throat, dizziness ect..
and im getting really close to my due date! i am terrified i am going to go into labour before this flu goes as there is no way i wud have the energy to push out a baby and put up with labour in this state, iv got a job to drag myself out of bed to have a wee :oops:
if i went into labour what wud happen? i am so scared i know there is no way i cud cope! i am willing baby to just hang in for maybe a few more days or even a week just till its out of my system!! heelpp lol x
Oh hun, that's rough. :hug: To be honest I'm not sure there is anything you can do about it other than resting, drinking water and taking paracetamol for your fever/pain etc. If you're worried then I'd phone your midwife about it. I would have thought though that the adrenaline that your body will be pumping out when you go into labour should help you have a bit more energy if it does start. Also I think as a first time mum you're more likely to be a few days overdue so fingers crossed that your baby decides to stay where it is for the time being. I've had this flu and so have all my family and if it's the same strain then actually the really pants no energy bit lasts about 2-3 days so if you rest then hopefully you'll be over the worst of it very soon. I think the way that it works is that if we've had this thing then our babies will have immunity to it so I'm trying to feel positive and glad that I've had it in my system while he or she is still in there rather than when I'm dealing with a newborn and we both get it etc etc. Ok, small positive but that's something I think

Hope you feel better really soon
:hug: :hug: :hug:
aww thanks for reply :)
yeah iv been getting plenty of rest today as yesterday was a bit mad and i was round my step mums and everyone was smoking in the room so that made me feel alot worse! iv felt so much better in the last half hour as (sorry tmi alert) i finally managed to cough everything up and clear my chest which was the main thing that was hurting!! i coughed up some strange looking stuff so no wonder iv been in so much pain and struggling to breath!! now just got a blocked nose and sore throat which isnt actually too bad so hopefully my chest stays clear now! i reckon i will feel better in morn but so far evrytime i wake up i feel worse not better lol! yeah at least il get over it before baby is here didnt think of that! and im praying i go overdue hehe.

hope u and ur family get over it soon! iv also found strepsils and lucozade a huge help!! and lots of loo rolls for my nose lol!
thanks again :hug:
Glad you're feeling a bit better. We're mostly on the road to recovery I think now thanks! My little boy and I got the fluey thing with the high temp and aching etc after having already had a kind of coughing cold for a few weeks already so both of us ended up on anti-biotics because I think we were already pretty snotty and our immune systems low, him for bronchitis and me for sinusitis although touch wood we're now loads loads better than we have been for weeks. My OH spent 3 days in bed but seems to have sprung back pretty quickly and my parents are still coughing and are tired but got through the worst of it in 2-3 days but have taken a fortnight to stop coughing. Even my 95 year old Nan has had it- she's still got it on her chest but she's doing amazingly well considering she has asthma anyway. She had quite a high fever for a few days but then seemed to rally quite a bit.

It's the amount of snot that's amazed us! I wonder where it all comes from! At least Elliott has now learned how to use a tissue rather than a sleeve or my tops- mostly! It's horrid having a cough while being this pregnant isn't it? I'm afraid that my pelvic floor is not what it used to be which made the whole thing even more unpleasant :oops: lovely!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww bloody hell iv not done too bad then considering what u lot have had!!! iv been locked in my bedroom so luckily nobody else has caught it as they havnt been near me!! except OH god knows how he hasnt got it! yeah we came home at like 5 on xmas day we normally stay up there all night lol! and stayed in bed all boxing day! but i do feel alot better today!! can sit up in bed and that now lol! just praying that baby hangs on for another week as now everything needs to be disinfected again lol. i have gotten through about 10 loo rolls from blowing my nose and its red and bleeding where iv poked it so much lol. and yes iv had to where a towel as the old pelvic fdloor has had a good workout lol x
Oh hun hope you are feeling better........I know exactly how you feel as been very poorly myself - spent Xmas Day on the sofa in my PJ's and spent hours yesterday in hospital as I couldnt breathe..........I had to cancel all Xmas plans to see family as have been too ill!

Like you I kept thinking what on earth would I do if I went into labour as there is no way I could have dealt with it!!

Keep well away from smokers, do nothing, drink lots and lots of fluid, sleep a lot and keep really warm.........its good to hear you are starting to feel a little better though and hopefully tomorrow you will feel even better again :hug:
aww sorry to hear u had to go in hosp!! iv got some antibiotics now so im praying this clears up before labour starts :pray: :pray: i have also not seen the family hardly at all!
hope ur feeling better too!! xx
Glad you're feeling a bit better today and that you've got some antibiotics too. They really hit the nail on the head for me pretty quickly with regards to the cough and sinuses so fingers crossed for you too

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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