Bit worried about something that happened during the night!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Mhairi was upset last night. I put her to bed at 7, and was up and down the stairs a few times to put the dummy back in. So at 9:30 she did that cry which makes my stomach clench with "mummy" feeling and I went racing up the stairs. She wouldn't settle, so I got ready for bed and took her in with me for a cuddle (after feeding and changing her to make sure she was happy).

So, half way through desperate housewifes, I put her back in the crib. She settled and I put the light out at 11.

I then woke up at 2am...........with Mhairi in with me!!!

I have no recollection of waking, taking her out of her sleeping bag, turning off the breathing monitor and tucking her in with me! :shock: :shock:

Anyone else had one of these "moments"?

I know my daughter is advanced *insert bigheaded biast smiley here*, but I'm pretty sure she isn't quite up to jumping out her grobag, switching off the alarm and launching herself at my bed!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Wow isnt she clever :wink:

I've had moments that I couldnt remember the next day, you probably only half woke up to go get her :hug:
LaineyG said:
I know my daughter is advanced *insert bigheaded biast smiley here*, but I'm pretty sure she isn't quite up to jumping out her grobag, switching off the alarm and launching herself at my bed!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: that last bit made me smile..

I had them with Tia when she was older. I'd wake up in the morning and she'd be in bed with me yet I'd have no recollection of how she got there?.. She was old enough to creep in herself... but tbh with her sharp toenails and ice cube feet I think I would have noticed... :shock:
:rotfl: :rotfl: The last bit really made me giggle.

This hasn't happen to me yet but i'm sure it will soon :D
sorry that made me laugh sooo mcuh ! i just cant imagine me ever doing that !
When Alex was just a few days old, I woke up to find myself in the middle of undressing him :shock:
He was wailing, and I was steadily taking his sleepsuit off - I had gotten one arm and leg out and was working on the second arm.

I have absolutely NO recollection of even getting out of bed, let alone taking half his sleepsuit off!

it freaked me out something chronic.

DH says that it was warm in the room so maybe it was my subconscious mind telling me that if Alex was crying it must be because he was too hot, so I started taking his sleepsuit off.

But still..... :shock: :shock:

I've not done anything like it since, but it still makes me feel weird when I think about it. I just hope I didn't hurt him when I was doing it! Sleep-baby-undressing! I've heard of sleepwalking but that's just ridiculous!

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