Bit of a Blockage!


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
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sorry if this is way TMI..... if you are eating, leave this one and come back later!

.... but has anyone else got constipation? :shock: :oops: :oops:

I eat so healthily - huge bowl of fruit & fibre cereal for breakfast, 3/4 peices of fruit during the day, at least 3 vegetables with my dinner and I am having real problems this week.

I have had IBS on and off for about 10 years so I have been taking fybogel in the evening, but even this had not touched it.

What else can I do??? :oops:
How much fluid do you drink each day? Fybogel and other high fibre foods require fluid to help push everything through the system.

I agree i say plenty of fluids and i was consitipatied this whole pregnancy so far until i went grocery shopping on satureday and bought grapes.
Kiara and i have both eaten them every day this week and have become regular i couldnt beleive it! Usually i dont go for days so i wold suggest grapes and see if they work :)
Hi, I drink water constantly throughout the day - must have 10 or so plastiic cups of water at work and probably have 3/4 glasses of squash/ fruit juice in the evening/ morning at home, so I don't think it is lack of liquid!! Will try eating grapes and see if it helps.

thanks girlies :oops:
I have it too, and trapped wind. So painful. I tried prunes but haven't found anything that really helps.
Top Bird, have you tried the usual things like apricots, prunes, rhubarb etc? What about some boiled water with a spoon of sugar (old wives remedy)? I have found, in the past, orange juice and freshly ground coffee work to "unblock" me. :think:

Since I've been pregnant I've had the complete opposite problem though. :oops:

Thanks for that honey - not heard of any of them before..... Rhubarb only just breaking the surface on the allotment at the moment, so will have to wait a month or so for that one.

Might get myslef some prunes and have them on my cereal, though problem seems to be resolving itself shall we say. I skived off work yesterday afternoon early and went shopping and I think the walk helped, so I am going to try going for a walk round the block after dinner in the evening too. Need to do some exercise anyway, am a right lazy cow at the moment!
Hi, just wanted to pop in and let you know i am going through exactly the same thing....i'm 8 weeks pg but have been well and truly blocked since day 1....i went 10 days without passing anything at you my diet is so healthy at least 4 pieces of fruit a day...lots of veg with my dinner and i hardly eat any junk (epecially made an effort not to eat junk when i found out i was pg) and i always make sure i drink plenty of fluids.
In the end i was so depressed and bloated i went to the doctor and he gave me a mild enema to get rid of everything....boy did it work...i even weighed myself before and after i took it and i'd lost 4lb in poo :oops:
Since then i am more regulated although i still have to take senekot and fiborgel to keep me going but i haven't got into that state again thankfully.

If it is making you feel how i did then a quick visit to your doctor should sort you out....i didn't like the idea of taking an enema during pregnancy but doctor reasured me it was perfectly safe and i figured it must be better than storing up all that waste which can't be good for either mum nor baby.

Just thought i'd share that with you :hug:
Hi Pip,

Thanks for the info..... think normal service has resumed for the meantime :oops: - had been about 6 days though so was getting worried and had actually made an appt with the doc for next week (closest appt I could get was next Thursday!). Will get some more fybogel on prescription and see if she will give me some senekot incase it happens again.

Hope the rest of tri 1 goes well for you and see you in here proper in 4 weeks time :D

(though you are more than welcome to stay now... didn't mean it like that!)
I'm glad your little problem has fixed itself TopBird. You are probably right in that the walk may have helped. I'm also guilty of being a bit lazy these days. I should try harder :lol:


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