bit confused!! advice please x UPDATED


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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hi everyone :wave:
i haven't posted here before but was wondering if anyone could offer advice please? bit long winded and maybe tmi tho sorry
had on the 18th may and foolowing this had a very light and short AF on the 8/6 (3 days) since then AF hasn't arrived.
wasn't too concerned but i now haven't been on for 7wks + 4days. (my longest gap before has been 5+4) and haven't been feeling 'myself' - can't sleep, lightheaded and off my food (which isn't me :D ) but have had some AF style cramps on and off over this time.
i have done 3 tests - all of which are negative - am i testing too soon? also rang my docs for an appointment to see if they could help and was told to "wait another 4 weeks and see" before ringing them again - is this normal?
any advice will be greatly received!!
Lou xx
sorry for rambling just unsure!!

*now almost 9 weeks without any sign off AF, docs took a wee sample today and will have the results back wednesday. Are these tests better than the shop ones? heard lots of mixed reviews *
Not sure if i'd be much help as new to all this mysef. From 18th May doesn't sound too early to be testing to me. I personally would insist on doc testing, surely you've got a right to be. Try them again. Sorry if thats not much help, sounds like you could be. Good luck. :)
thanks babyt,
going to test again in the morning and i've got a week off work coming up so might give it till then to go - think i need to stay away from this site tho!! not sure if i have lots of symptoms or just associating things with everyone elses!! :D
I know the feeling. Not sure if mine are actual symptoms or my mind playing tricks! That said I have been a bit sick tonight so heres hoping! Let me know how you get on, good luck x
Doc did a test on me yesterday, after all symptoms + AF 5 days late but came out negative like the hpt. That said you have left it longer than I did before seeing the doc. Heres hoping for you! :hug:
sorry to hear that babyt :(
had my results from the docs today and it came back as negative but they want to see me monday to take bloods to see what could be causing the lack of periods.
Doctors use the exact same tests as shop bought so no they are not better. Thats why if you get a + on a HPT the doctoer won't do a tset as well.

Blood tests are better I think :D

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