bit anxious... nervous


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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ive got my scan in a couple of weeks
and i keep thinking that im not going to be pregnant
then all the tests ive done are wrong :(
i cant get this thought out of my head
did/does anyone else feel like this??
Ive only known i was pregnant recently, i havent tested for 2 days and i think that all the time even though im tired and have mood swings, blimmin hormones

im sure it will be fine, i remember with my first 2 that the first scan always makes it feel real
I definitely know Im pregnant, feel YUK, have very sore BB's, everything is growing and am sleeping for hours every day!

However I am worried when I go for my scan that something will be wrong.........and got another 7 weeks to wait as not having my 1st scan until Im 13 weeks!!!

Im sure everything will be fine, and lots of luck for your scan!!
I was convinced that there would be nothing on my scan and I would appear stupid for even booking the appt. I was shocked (in a good way) to hear that a heartbeat could be seen and then to see my baby on the screen. It was the most surreal experience in my life, and one to be treasured. :D

I'm sure all will be fine with you.
Hell yeah! I remember that feeling! It's horrible :hug:

You'll be amazed when you see bubs jumping around and you can't even feel it! It's crazy!!

Good luck though, you will be fine and so will bubs :hug: xx
Don't worry I felt exactly the same, even though I had (and still do) morning sickness... I thought they were gonna scan me and not find anything but as soon as I saw "Turnip" on the screen it felt so real and right!

You'll get there and then wonder why the heck you felt like this lol

Sarah xxx
thanks girls
i feel a little better
i just cant wait to go for my scan
im so impatient
I was like this, was absolute convinced i get to the scan and the sonographer would just say nope sorry nothing there !!!

Im impatient too but i reckon itll come around before ya know it :)
i'm feeling the same as you!
:hug: :hug:

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