Birthing Ball

Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Has anyone else got one? i bought one today and am enjoying jumping up and down on it - might buy a giant space hopper and then i can move around the house like it!
My OH said I look like a Space Hopper..

I have a Reebok gym ball, think it might serve the same purpose. I must look it out, have no idea where I have put it! :)
it will definatly serve the same purpose, My 'birthing ball' is a 65cm 'yoga ball' that i bought from Sports Direct for 5.99 - bargain!

You think your OH calling you a 'space hopper' is bad, when i am a bit crampy my right hip goes before my left so i end up waddling but with a bit of a crab like side step at the same time

Liam has taken to following me, dragging a leg behind him and shouting 'the bells the bells' like the hunchback of notre-dame :roll:
it will definatly serve the same purpose, My 'birthing ball' is a 65cm 'yoga ball' that i bought from Sports Direct for 5.99 - bargain!

You think your OH calling you a 'space hopper' is bad, when i am a bit crampy my right hip goes before my left so i end up waddling but with a bit of a crab like side step at the same time

Liam has taken to following me, dragging a leg behind him and shouting 'the bells the bells' like the hunchback of notre-dame :roll:

Yep they are great!! I used mine throughout my first pregnancy and swear thats what helped him move from being back to back in the last week! They are also fantastic after birth too and are a great general toner up.
may I add though that now that I have got it out again for this pregnancy that my little boy things its a giant beach ball and chases the dog around the house with it:shock:!
:rofl: this thread gave me a giggle. My OH calls me his "wise little buddah" cos I sit with my legs crossed on the sofa, big belly out, reading my birthing books and telling him 'interesting' facts and things he must remember. lol
may I add though that now that I have got it out again for this pregnancy that my little boy things its a giant beach ball and chases the dog around the house with it:shock:!

You could always wait until he is at the bottom of the stairs and then use it to 'indiana jones' him... would certainly teach the young lad reflexes :lol:
:rofl: this thread gave me a giggle. My OH calls me his "wise little buddah" cos I sit with my legs crossed on the sofa, big belly out, reading my birthing books and telling him 'interesting' facts and things he must remember. lol

heheheh bless thats so cute!

at least buddha is cute, Quasimodo never had 'cute' as an option though!
Im not sure you could find many women who would be flattered at being called a buddah!! I like youre positive outlook!! Quasimodo is very lovable in the Disney version!! that help!?
ooo i got my 'birthing' ball for a tenner from decathlon, it's neon yellow and even came with a pump, oooo. for £9.99. i now see you all got cheaper ones though so a bit jealous! lol. mines 75cm, as i tried the 55cm one and i nearly fell off it :oops: must have a big bum! i think the space hopper idea sounds fab!! xx
may I add though that now that I have got it out again for this pregnancy that my little boy things its a giant beach ball and chases the dog around the house with it:shock:!

You could always wait until he is at the bottom of the stairs and then use it to 'indiana jones' him... would certainly teach the young lad reflexes :lol:
LMAO Love it!! you have created a wonderful image!!!
Oh i am glad you saw the funny side, i was a bit scared of typing it incase anyone took me seriously!

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