Birthing Ball and Pillows.... taking to Hosp?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2007
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I have just got my birthing ball :cheer:

And would like to take it with me to the hosp when i'm in labour... and also its suggested a pillow (and your own towel) BUT.. as we're only meant to take in a small overnight bag ... HOW am I meant to carry all these in..... ???

Suggestions please ladies :)

i took mine - arrived with my small hospital bag then got my OH to do a trip back to the car to fetch them once i was in my room :wink: :wink:
Ahhhhhhhh. Good planning!!
Like that!!

my hospital has a number of birthing balls they said just to check there is one available when i call to say im going in so i dont need to take mine...

this is becoming more common so check with your hospital as they may provide them...

if u do take your own dont forget the pump etc then u can deflate for journey and reinflate/pump up if it goes down a bit etc
My hospital supply them too. I would check if yours does, it is a right faff having to deflate and reinflate it.
Ill be taking mine in
to be honset untill i saw your post id not thought about it but if me boucing on my ball helps its going with me
i dont suppose hosptials have birth balls do they???
:think: :think:
ill have to find out if my hospital has them at my next mid wif appointment
pillow not sure do you mean body pillow or your favorite comfy pillow
not really sure to be honest :think: something to think about

sarah :wave:

oh SUZIE Q :wave:
Would you like to take a look at the link below
i am officialy inviting you along if you wish to join us to our London meet
we'd love to see you there :D
My hospital had birthing balls (my room had 3 of them in the corner!)

I took my own pillows as to be honest it is nice to have something comfy - the hospital ones are really scratchy and plasticy!
geordie lass said:
oh SUZIE Q :wave:
Would you like to take a look at the link below
i am officialy inviting you along if you wish to join us to our London meet
we'd love to see you there :D

Thanks honey, have replied on the other thread

SuziQ said:
geordie lass said:
oh SUZIE Q :wave:
Would you like to take a look at the link below
i am officialy inviting you along if you wish to join us to our London meet
we'd love to see you there :D

Thanks honey, have replied on the other thread


Brilliant news ive added you too the list :cheer:
FYI - check your hospital will let you.

My hospital didn't let mums take heir own birth balls in, most people have unofficial gym-type balls which aren't advised. They were banned after one mum popped heres and eneed up on the deck :shock:

There were loads there though, different sizes for different heights too.

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