Birthday ideas?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2011
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Hiyaa, im 21 on the 26th of October and my baby girl is due just 2 days after!
Any ideas of things I could do? I dont want to travel too far away incase I go into labour and we dont live near any spas or anything like that :/ x
I need some ideas too as my baby due a few days after my birthday as well, not quite as close as you though as mine is 13th! Def don't want to share my birthday, so my legs will be crossed! I was pregnant with my daughter on my 21st, I ended up going for a nice meal with all my family, my mum and dad really spoilt me, i got 21 presents and the star prize being £1000! Was so unexpected and a lot of money 15 years ago!
My babys due on my birthday, so I think tbh me and my partner will just be getting a takeaway as i will have either just given birth or be about 2 drop.
I really want him to come a couple of weeks early
Hiyaa, im 21 on the 26th of October and my baby girl is due just 2 days after!
Any ideas of things I could do? I dont want to travel too far away incase I go into labour and we dont live near any spas or anything like that :/ x

I've just turned 21 as well! My birthday was on the 12th of august, and I was a bit gutted I couldn't go out and drink or anything! Also, your birthday is the same as my brother's!

I just spent most of the day chilling out, my OH is offshore, so I just relaxed in the morning, my brother and his friend made me a cake, then I got my presents... Got a back massager and a foot spa (the joys of being preggo!) and in the evening I went for a nice dinner with my brother.

My main present was a trip to the theatre with my family, we went overnight to london to see the show on the saturday night, then spent the next day in london, got a boat on the serpentine etc and went to the natural history museum... Not the crazy 21st I had in mind!!!

You'll be about to drop then though won't you, so doing something relaxing is probably the best. If you don't live near a spa, maybe you could get someone to come to your house to do your nails or have a massage or something?

Or you could have a baby shower/tea party at your house, so people could buy you things or things for the baby, have some nice cupcakes made or something like that, or a nice big cake... And then you could play some games etc, so it's something fun but at home.

Then after your LO is born you can celebrate properly! I've postponed my birthday until LO is here, then OH will be buying me a nice big bottle of champers and a trip to the spa with all the treatments I could wish for!!!

Well my mums said we'll go for a meal or something, but a couple of weeks before my due date we'll have a little party or something and use it as a baby shower day too :) I knoww! I thought I sounded horrible saying I didn't want my baby to come on my birthday! But I really don't! I don't want to share my birthday and I don't want my baby to have to share her birthday either and plus I don't really want o be in labour on my 21st! :/ xx
Haha nobody would really want to spend their birthday in labour if they were given the option! And it's nice when you don't have to share a birthday :)

I love the party/baby shower idea! I won't be having a shower, which I'm pretty gutted about, but I've just moved and so I'm hours away from all of my friends! I'll just have to get my baby presents when they come down and visit!

I normally just go out for a meal on my birthday, so I didn't buck the trend this year! I think given how far along you'll be, that's the best thing really, then you can relax and have some nice food. Don't know about you but they're two of my favourite things!

I think I'll end up going for a meal somewhere that's not too far away, all the places to eat where I live are rubbish though! Except Frankie and Bennys! And then go home for A little after do sorta thing? Ahh I have no idea! Loll I worked on my birthday last year and I've never done that before! Never been to school or anything! Because my birthday always falls in the week holiday from school... Xx

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