Birth to 12 in 2 mins - Time Lapse Video

That is cool. Agree it did look like a boy at first x
I sooooo wish i'd done this. I promised i'd take pics every week but that went out the window about 2 months ago.

Ill need to watch it in the morning. Just clicked onto it while giving k one of his many night feeds and the music came up really loud scaring him and me, what was funny was I couldn't get rid of it stupid phone so had to completely shut it down lol!
I have been doing this with Kynon but been a bit slack lately so I must get back to it, I also did it with my bump which i intended to do a little time lapse thing, maybe when I get time!
looool - sorry Sarah & Kynon! Hope he didn't get too much of a fright. I've always got my music on mute so didn't even know it had sound.

I tried to mute it quickly but it still played! Just watched it properly, wow, how amazing, her beautiful eyes stayed the same the whole way through. Makes you realise how very quickly your babies grow up. Maybe we should start doing something like that now before they arnt babies!
I might start! I suppose it wouldn't matter if it was every single week, just roughly that.

The question is video or photo?

It made me feel sad! Tyler is gonna be a lump of a man leaving home before I know it!

Plenty more sleepless nights & crying to enjoy before then pinky.

And he'll be back for his tea when he's older....coz he wont get a wife thats as good a cook as his mummy.....right??


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