Big night out! How much expressed milk in a feed?

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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Tomorrow is my first girls night out! This has probably already been covered but I don't have time to look.

The Dh is babysitting and doing a bottle feed before bed.

My question is. How much expressed milk makes up a feed?

I have various bags of frozen breast milk in the freezer and want to make sure that I leave enough milk.

How much is enough?

Personally, I'd defrost about 6oz, then if he needs more it only takes a few mins to defrost more.
If he a big feeder? Brody only has about 4 oz at a time, but feeds a lot.
could be an idea to make up 2 seperate bottles of 4 ounces just in case :)
Hope you have a good night out. My first girls night out was last Saturday. Was well drunk on next to nothing although did mix my drinks, wanted to go home by 12.30 and had to get the taxi to stop to let me throw up. To be honest, I'd rather have a good movie, maybe a bit of wine and a takeaway and listen to the baby monitor! Funny how being a mum can change people like that. I loved going out getting drunk. Not now though. Plus looking after baby with a hangover is a nightmare LOL.

Have a good one Sarah xx
im teh same emma, i think thats why i have grown apart from my mares

i like the idea of meals out, going to te pub and sitting down to have a convo, rather than trying to shout over teh music.

i used to love going out every weekend, getting wreaked and falling over etc, but now id rather do coupley things.
Im the same Layla, I like to have a good chin wag and you cant do that in noisy clubs, I went for a meal wit my friends and prefered that to when we all went to town because we had a laugh and a good old natter lol
Hope you have a great night out Sarah....
As for the expressing, it depends on how much samuel usually feeds, when i left Charlotte i left Simon loads of milk cos she cluster feeds on an evening, id start expressing now, and freeze it, then take out what you think OH will need, he can always take more out and stand it in a little warm water if he needs to.
Night out was a great success!

Left a bottle of 5oz of my milk and the evening went really well. Didn't drink though as I was driving, but I am grateful for that this morning :D

Luckily when I got in, the house was quiet and baby was asleep! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: yippee!!!!!!!!

The only disaster was that Sam isn't used to a bottle and he took it down too quickly and apparently puked about half a dozen times! :shock:

Luckily though he still managed to sleep right through! That is five times in a row now! I am so lucky!

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