Big babies

They've told me that little man is about avarage, though height wise he's a little bit on the smaller side, nothing extreme though, still over the minimum line lol.
My mum reckons he'll be quite small cause my bump's not that big, but I reckon he'll be about 7lbs something. Would be a big surprise if he was over 8lbs tbh!
I was only 6lbs 3oz, but I came 3 weeks early lol!
I've never had a baby over 7lb, doesn't look like this one will make it either, my eldest was nearly 2 weeks late and only 6lb 10oz, then jacob was 5 days late and only 6lb 4oz and the youngest was 6 weeks early and 4lb 1oz, have been told tyhat none of them would have been over 6lb if they had arrived on time!!! This one been threatening tp come sice 28 weeks and my bump is measuring 3 weeks small so guessing he not gonna very big!!!

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