bf - vomiting


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Hi all,

My lovely little boy Dylan was born on 26 feb. Looking forward to sharing experiences with you ladies!

First query though, Fri night and sat night he vomited what I can only assume wad his whole feed. He did the same Monday on the way to a post natal appt and the midwife said if he's well and its not happening really regularly then its fine and normal. He's done it twice more since so 3 times in 20 hrs or 8 feeds. called Mw and again was told all babies are different, some are sicky, if he seems well, is pink and seems himself its prob fine, but to go to gp if I get worried etc.

Anyone else had similar experiences?

Any help or advice would be appreciated!

When l/o was smaller he'd bring up loads of his milk. In the end he was given gaviscon which did help with the sick but made him really constipated. In the end I stopped the gaviscon and let him bring up the sick. If he seems contented and is gaining weight then he's fine Hun x
My LO was being sick there for a while and hv said it could be cause she was having trouble bringing her wind up so I used infacol and although she is occasionally sick nothing like before - but as princess says if he is gaining weight and seems content then he will be fine - think them being sick worries us more than them :)
Thanks. It's scary when they throw up, I'm sure I'll get used to it. Mw said
Mw said its just plumbing for them and isn't horrible like when we're sick. I just worry so much with every noise he makes and face he pulls!
My LO is just a couple of days older, and does this a bit too. I did hear that at this stage they can still have residual mucus in their tummies. xxx
Probably the mucous or wind. Both my girls have new very windy even though bf and if I don't wind them often enough during a feed then they vomit. I can tell its going to happen often as the ore vomit burp is a shallower less noisy burp! I am sure your lo will settle down. Infacol is good at helping with the wind

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