I went back to work when lil miss was 5 months old...and we are still bfing
Heavily too
I was working 5 days a week, 7 hours a day. Never had to resort to formula either (not that she would drink it...she thinks all milk is naff in a cup unless it comes from a boob
I fed lil miss in the morning, then expressed a tiddly amount before work, then came home and fed and expressed.. fed through the night etc. On weekends I fed as normal.
Now I work 5 days 8 hours a day and I feed, got to work, come home for lunch and express, work, and feed lillmiss when I get home
on my days off I feed as normal
Like lola's mummy I don't express for lil miss really, I express to make me more comfortable...and sometimes she will entertain boob juice in a cup nowadays..
She actually prefers icy cold white moo juice
By 9 months your milk supply is well and truly established... I don't think you will have problems.
Lil miss has miss booby...not mummy of course
just booby... But thats more of a comfort thing I think, and we are trying to get her more attached to bebe (a hand me down dolly from Tia) to see if she will be pawned off with her instead
The only thing I can say is be prepared to feel a little worn out though at first but you'll get back into the swing of things.