Best teats for giving expressed milk without wind


Jul 3, 2010
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my little girl is 6 weeks now and breastfeeding well thankfully! I have been expressing for the last 2-3 weeks and trying to give her a top up feed at 10pm. She takes really well to the Tommee Tipee Closer to Nature bottles,but finishes 120mls too quickly. I do try and break her off after 40mls to wind her but she goes mad! She does bring up some wind though. She falls asleep fine but my husband and I have both noticed she seems in a light sleep and makes grunting noises which we have figured out is wind. It keeps us both awake although she is still sleeping! I really want to keep her in our room for longer as I know that's the best thing for cot death prevention but the noise even goes through earplugs!
Does anyone recommend a teat that is slower flow as I'm sure she just finds it easier to feed from the bottle than breast and is drinking too quickly?
Any other advice gratefully received!
I used the Avent bottles with the slowest flow teats for a long time with Sam - anything else seemed too fast for him x
Are you using the slowest flow TT teat? :)

I just came back to ask that too... you can ignore all the age recommendations for the teats for a breastfed baby - I tried Sam on the right one for his age first and he choked on all the milk :blush:
could you not give her a top up feed during the day when she (and you) are a bit more active and give her the top up feed at night with breast?
thankyou for this thread - it will help me if i come up with the same problem, my LO too guzzles down 3 ounces in a shot! greedy buggers! lmao ;) hope you find a suitable bottle! the medela ones are usually good aswell i use closer to natue TT ones usually tho like yourself xxxxx
I use avent with a slow flow teat and liv doesn't get any wind usually with that one xxx
Are you using the slowest flow TT teat? :)

I just came back to ask that too... you can ignore all the age recommendations for the teats for a breastfed baby - I tried Sam on the right one for his age first and he choked on all the milk :blush:

Thanks very much- you're right, I switched her to Avent number 2 teats (slow flow for 1 month plus) and she takes them so much better! Also I've warmed the milk more- I know people say you don't need too but breastfed babies are used to it at 37 degrees! I feel happier too as my husband gives her the bottle, for some ridiculous reason I feel a bit guilty giving her a bottle when she could have a boob!
The best thing about it is she is only half awake as it is so much less effort to feed from the bottle so she settles back down quickly. The hubby enjos the bonding too!
Thanks for everyone's advice xx

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