best double buggy.......Which


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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Help ladies i need a new double the seat to be one in front of the other.

Need it for a two year old and new born. and it too be light...

Not asking too much :D

Any ideas which is the best :D
How about a phil and teds where one baby is underneath the other. They look like a great double. Or Jane do a nice one as does i candy. The Jane one you can attach carseats too aswell.

hi hun im in the same boat need one for a newborn and a 2 and half year old i've been recommended cosatto double buggy which looks fab and more reasonable priced than a phil and teds im going to have to have a look at it in the flesh though first.
ive got a jane double pushchair and really like it and its ligh weight :D
Snuggle said:
I've bought this one but its side by side, I got this because of how light it is and how easy it is to put up and down ... -twin.html

hi snuggle.

this is the double that im thinking about getting whats the handle height like please also how does your LO fit in it now shes around the same age as oliver.

also what are bambino direct like to buy from customer service wise.

sorry for hijacking your thread BTW 8)
rusks said:
hi hun im in the same boat need one for a newborn and a 2 and half year old i've been recommended cosatto double buggy which looks fab and more reasonable priced than a phil and teds im going to have to have a look at it in the flesh though first.
I dont know if any of you live by a Netto store but they had them in there for I *think* about £80!!! Bargain!! :dance:
I was given this one (Hauck double) (in a different colour) and really like it. I only use it for longer trips, most of the time I have ds2 in the sling and ds1 in our single buggy or walking.

I really like the buggy, it's lightweight and easy to manouevre, and it fits in and out of my fairly narrow front door. Plus it folds up really small (for a double).

I personally prefer side by side to tandem as both children (when the newborn is older) get the same view - the youngest isn't stuck staring at the seat in front. Also ds1 loves sitting next to ds2 and holding his hand and 'looking after' him for me.
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