Illy does a decaf version of their ground coffee which tastes exactly the same as their caffeinated stuff (delicious!) It's the one in the metal tin with a green band at the bottom.
I drink green tea but the decaf stuff is horrible! I just have 2 or 3 weak cups of caffine stuff instead, you can have 200mg per day which is about 2 cups, long as you don't have other stuff with caffeine in as well!
PG tips decaf tea is quite nice I've been drinking that for 4 years now and it does make a nice cuppa, agree with the Nescafe gold blend decaf that is all we'll buy for instant coffee as it is so good! Dont know if this is available outside of Yorkshire but Taylors coffee do a fab decaff filter coffee its in a blue bag, or failing that I buy a bag of the decaff coffee from Starbucks as you really cant tell the difference with that (and its cheaper to brew at home than to buy by the cup!!)
I found Yorkshire Tea decaf to be really horrible, it left a fishy taste in my mouth. I gues I have expensive tastes when it comes to tea, so was drinking Twinings Everyday Tea (but buy in bulk when on special offer), which is lovely and their decaf version is also very good. I'd be lying if I said I couldn't tell the difference, but it's still a very good substitute.
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