Bernard Matthews


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Well Bernard Matthews got £600,000 compensation today for the turkeys they killed during the bird flu outbreak.
The report said there was rats and holes in the sheds where the birds were kept, and dead infected birds in a bin just outside.

I want to know if you will buy Bernard Matthews products again?
I never really bought it anyway, but even now when it's really discounted I won't be buying it. I don't think they handled the outbreak right, and where the turkeys are kept sounds disgusting, so no BM stuff in my house :talkhand:
Hope this doesn't sound really bad of me to say, but I'll just buy whatever. I don't tend to look at the brands anyway really I just get what's on offer or looks nice at the time.

I never really listen to the media anymore regarding companies because there's so much true and false going into things that you never know whether you read what's true or not.

And if Bernard Matthews had bad turkey conditions but still got away with it then other companies are probably not as squeeky clean either, so can't win really.

I know what you're saying, I just don't take the media too seriously as there are so many other factors that affect my choices.
I've never bought BM stuff and I don't think I will in the future, regardless of the bird flu.
I dont buy BM stuff anyway, never have. They have been on Animal Activist groups lists of cruel practice companies for years.
i never bought the crappy stuff before and im not going to start now :)
I hate outbreaks etc like BM had, and his turkey products were again on the news just last night. I switched to buying only organic meats once I found out I was pregnant (had already been buying organic veggies etc) I know it's more expensive but the peace of mind is worth it plus you know they lived in nice "accommodation" and had a happy life instead of being born into crowded barns, never seeing daylight, they are often riddled with athrituis (sp?) and anemia etc...why would you want to eat that anyway? That doesn't just apply to BM but to all the supermarket branded cheap meats too.
I dont buy the stuff!

Although i did buy some chicken burgers for DF's Brother once when he was going to be staying over as he likes them but he didnt end up staying so the got thrown out!
I used to buy it for the kids, but not now no way.. have the kids to think about, :oops:
I don't buy it anyway but not sure how it'd affect my choices.

Fact is, if we knew a FRACTION of what went on in factories and farms the world over we wouldn't eat much. Everyone has their benchmark, but like Leckershell said, it's not something I currently factor into my grocery shopping.

And that's before you think about what some staff do in cafes, restaurants etc.......... :puke:
I didnt buy it before its all crap anyway but after that i defineately wont buy it i saw hpw they were all caged up and i hate that that to me isnt a turkey farm and yes other factories food supplyers may work in the same way but as they say ignorance is bliss i havent seen those but iv seen BM. Its all rubbish anyway what they put in the food
I agree we do only know a fraction of what goes on, but I think that when we do know what goes on it's really useful information. To be fair we're all vege in this house (although Debs can make her own mind up about that when she's old enough), so it's not something we would buy anyway. Having said that I do buy cheap clothes and they're the ones more likely to be made in sweat shops *sigh* Ethical shopping is tricky!
Melanie said:
I dont buy BM stuff anyway, never have. They have been on Animal Activist groups lists of cruel practice companies for years.

Same here for the same reasons :evil:
Have bought it once but never again its just cheap nasty modified pre packed food ewww no thanks :talkhand: [/i]
Am I the only one that will continue to buy it. I dont buy the processed stuff but do the big whole turkeys.

I might annoy people by telling this but it's the background I come from (am a farmers daughter). I have worked on farms all my life.... been there for the good stuff like lambing etc and the bad, foot and mouth scares etc.
When I was still at school I used to get up early to go to a neighbouring farm and help catch chickens for them going to the slaughter house.
I went to my cousins farm with my Dad and picked the cow that would be the roast beef at my wedding.

Just the different backgrounds we come from :?
SarahH said:
Am I the only one that will continue to buy it. I dont buy the processed stuff but do the big whole turkeys.

I might annoy people by telling this but it's the background I come from (am a farmers daughter). I have worked on farms all my life.... been there for the good stuff like lambing etc and the bad, foot and mouth scares etc.
When I was still at school I used to get up early to go to a neighbouring farm and help catch chickens for them going to the slaughter house.
I went to my cousins farm with my Dad and picked the cow that would be the roast beef at my wedding.

Just the different backgrounds we come from :?

It's not that everyone else here is vegetarian though, my step-dad was a butcher all his life and I also went to the turkey farms etc.
it sounds like the kind of farm you grew up on is a kind of farm a BM turkey will have never seen. We're talking about battery farming and super-processed foods, not like you'd find on a regular farm.
the programme called some thing cottage has put me off chicken. I dont know if any one saw the one where they open up the barn and there was thousands of chickens stuck in a small dark barn :cry: so upsetting.
Did you say the same about all the farmers that had to cull their stock when foot and mouth hit?

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