Bernard Matthews

SarahH said:
Did you say the same about all the farmers that had to cull their stock when foot and mouth hit?

I think we all realise theres a huge difference between farmers loosing stock through no fault of thier own, and places like the bernard manning factory!

I agree he should have been fined, its disgusting to keep animals in that condition regardless of thier purpose!
yes the way he has the birds in battery accom is disgraceful and wrong.... but he lost stock due to bird flu. When he bought the birds fro Hungery or wherever it was he didnt know it had bird flu.

Mr BM is a VERY rich man... but without that compensation all the bird farmers that he buys from wouldnt get paid... the circle goes round and round.

Everyone thinks farmers are rich and beleive me they arent. Only the big manufacturers like BM are the rich ones.
Doesnt he also own the farms the birds came from in the first place?
I also wonder if an ordinary farmer would have been compensated at the same proportion.
SarahH said:
Everyone thinks farmers are rich and beleive me they arent. Only the big manufacturers like BM are the rich ones.

I agree. People in cities often think farmers are loaded because wealth is measured in land/property in urban areas, but the hand British farmers have been dealt in recent years is appalling.

That said, of course BM is a very rich man, and to my mind could therefore afford to run things more ethically. But I suppose he didn't GET rich that way :think:

It's true he lost stock but with all the surrounding media coverage highlighting the state of his farms I bet he stands to lose a LOT more money in bad publicity!
glitzyglamgirl said:
bernard manning

:think: did you mean to say that?!!! :rotfl:


Buck buck buck. Buck buck buck buck!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Did you hear the one about the mother-in-law and a turkey twizzler?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
From the times online;

Bernard Matthews is under investigation by the Government amid concerns that the company has imported poultry from inside an avian flu exclusion zone in Hungary, it emerged last night.

The company, Britain’s largest turkey producer, is also being investigated for breaking EU hygiene regulations by leaving processed poultry outside sheds on its food processing site at Suffolk, where a lethal strain of bird flu was detected

So I dont particularily care if people further down the chain lose money!

As taxpayers, we are having to compensate this business mans loss, when it is no-ones fault but his own. Simple as really!
i voted no but never bought the stuff anyway. I studied animal welfare science at uni and to be honest they are treated so badly (not just at BM) i try to buy meat and eggs as ethically as i can, although it can be quite expensive
Hmmmm difficult one - I do buy the cooked meat but not the heavily processed convenience food like twizlers/drumsticks etc.

I dont like the bad conditions that the turkeys/chickens are kept in and do buy the better quality end of the cooked meats when I can afford it. But budget usually wins when I have to make my buying choices.

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