Belly pain


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2013
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Baby is moving a lot lately.. including now he is very fidgety. But ive got awful pains from ribs to guts. Ive had stitch type pains today but now it just hurts.

Is it possible that baby is hurting me with movements? Anyone had this?

I was going to post something similar. I've been getting random pains too. I'm assuming it may hurt as there's less room in there gradually?! Hurts a lot at night sometimes. My diaphragm really hurt in the night :-(
Possibly n yh mine hurts at night.

It did hurt when I got a kick yesterday too so could be due to lack of space x

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I posted a thread at about 28 weeks saying the same thing..

I am now 34 & a half and can tell you it doesn't get any better haha.

Sorry girls but the bigger the bubbas get the stronger they get. Sometimes his kicks give me tears in my eyes, but I can assure it its much better than them not moving enough.

Enjoy feeling your babies x
Possibly n yh mine hurts at night.

It did hurt when I got a kick yesterday too so could be due to lack of space x

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aww kel :( dont worry you aint on your own, lil man is definitely gettin stronger for me as well , had a bath this mornin and just watched me belly flying in all directions lol cant say hes hurting me yet but i do keep getting that sharp pain in me minkie i was telling you about now n again :( i rekon its somethin to do with his head movin lower down. he tends to go nuts everytime i have somethin to eat as well! lol my friends lil girl was hurting her ribs when she was late on in pregnancy so i defo think its gonna get worse for us from now on! lol xx :wall2:
Its not so bad today but it prob helps im at work. Yesterday it was awful..

Can defo feel him moving a lot though.. and my god he likes my bladder

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Its not so bad today but it prob helps im at work. Yesterday it was awful..

Can defo feel him moving a lot though.. and my god he likes my bladder

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haha this sounds familiar lol no matter what i seem to do whether i dont drink anythin or not when i go bed, by time it comes to about 4-5am im dying for a wee! n i seriously struggle to be arsed to get out of bed for a wee! lol xx
Its not even the need to wee so much for me, But i get a tickling sensation then a sudden need to wee, but then it goes. lol

haha ! baby playin tricks on ya minkie that is! lol
i had an email again today saying tena ladies are on offer!! bloody charmin haha
sayin that though , when i laugh hard and sneeze hard, sometimes stuff does happen downstairs! lol they say you have to do those bloody exercises clenching and stuff 3 times a day, i just cant be bloody bothered!! lol xx
haha ! baby playin tricks on ya minkie that is! lol
i had an email again today saying tena ladies are on offer!! bloody charmin haha
sayin that though , when i laugh hard and sneeze hard, sometimes stuff does happen downstairs! lol they say you have to do those bloody exercises clenching and stuff 3 times a day, i just cant be bloody bothered!! lol xx

Tena ladies! ahaha!:D
Oh no.. its started happening? That's not happened to me yet, but now i have no reason not to believe it will lol. (note to self - never sneeze or cough at work)

Cant you clench while sitting on the sofa? ;) xx
lol honest i felt like emailing them back sayin are ya taking the pi** or what!? lol
it started happening around 2 week ago :( i was laughing so hard at mrs browns boys one night and i had to rush up cuz i was honestly going to have a wee lol it just shocks ya more than anythin , i thought women were exaggerating when they spoke about it but i know they arent lol it hasnt happened often when i sneeze yet thank christ !
and yeah ya can tense while ya sittin down but i cant even be arsed do that!! hahahaha xx

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