Being without Bertie


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Cos I've had no sleep OH and the in laws are going to take Albert out for a walk later so I can sleep.......OMG!!!! It's a lovely thought and full of the best intentions but I don't see how they think I am going to sleep with my little man not with me especially after the night we have had. I'll be worried sick even though Albert's well in himself.

Have found myself hoping that he does a massive poo or something so I can justifiably put a stop to them going. If I try to nap as soon as I hear Bertie crying or mewing I wake up. I can't help it, I'm his mummy, my hearing is actually adapted to hear my baby louder than anyone else does and over whatever other noise is happening. I could tell whether he was crying or not amongst all the others on the maternity ward if I went for a wee or something and was away from him.

I've totally woken up now cos I am panicking a little bit. I know the fresh air will do him good but one example of why I am anxious was OH's dad actually thought Bertie would be walking, not in his's a wonder my OH ever made it past childhood tbh :wall2:
You are so brave! I only left Tyler for 2 hours last weekend. I think part of the problem as I'm EBF I have a constant fear he won't be able to eat and get upset iykwim? He'll be fine tho!! Enjoy it!!

You are brave, I didn't let Oz out of my sight til he was 3 months old lol

It's true as well, a baby's crying is apparently 3 times louder to the mum than to anybody else!! I alwasy wear ear plugs because can't sleep without them, but I have always heard LO cry! You can sense them!

I'm sure LO will be fine, even if you feel you can't sleep maybe a nice relaxing bath?

No matter what a crappy nights sleep I've had, a shower ahead wakes me up and im fine for the day. If people offer to take him or watch him I say no. He is EBF as well tho do noone else can feed him.
You are brave, I didn't let Oz out of my sight til he was 3 months old lol

It's true as well, a baby's crying is apparently 3 times louder to the mum than to anybody else!! I alwasy wear ear plugs because can't sleep without them, but I have always heard LO cry! You can sense them!

I'm sure LO will be fine, even if you feel you can't sleep maybe a nice relaxing bath?


Can u tell my OH that!? He thinks he's the only one in the world!

I don't know if it totally different for me as this is my 4th but I've left baby with o/h loads and he's only 2 wks old, I have to get on with life and 3 other children to look after,
I've been supermarket shopping, slimming world, get my hair done. O/h has took him to his nan's

And I think it gives o/h time to bond as when I'm here I Hogg him to myself lol
I don't know if it totally different for me as this is my 4th but I've left baby with o/h loads and he's only 2 wks old, I have to get on with life and 3 other children to look after,
I've been supermarket shopping, slimming world, get my hair done. O/h has took him to his nan's

And I think it gives o/h time to bond as when I'm here I Hogg him to myself lol

I love Albert being with his daddy, I think it's more that the in laws are going too lol. I trust my OH implicitly with our son, but if something happens cos of the c-section I am stuck here as can't drive.....maybe that's part of the problem too although tbh I would drive if I had to, stuff the insurance.

I can dye my hair whilst they are out, had it cut yesterday for the 2nd time since my bfp but only cos I have found a hairdresser I can trust that will come to the house....awful isn't it? Scummy mummy alert lol
iv been out a good bit too leaving her for few hours to go hairdressers , shops ect but leaving her with OH

Dont think id let anyone else mind her yet thought not even the inlaws
I left Sophie from about 3 weeks and I had an afternoon in bed and it was seriously just what I needed to pick me back up again.

LO will be fine :) make the most of someone offering to take him out as you'll just exhaust yourself otherwise. Xxxx
E was 5 weeks old and we left her with my parents to go out for dinner for my birthday. Before that OH had taken her to his dads and Nans to give me a couple of hours for sleep and just to relax.

He will be fine hun. I would say relax but you won't, I didn't the first couple of times. Now I enjoy my time away and relax then when I'm get home look forward to seeing her.
Bb have u rung your insurance my hv told me to ring them because alot of them dont stop your insurance anymore i rang mine and they said i had been insured the whole time x
yeah bb i agree, my insurance doesnt have a policy either, they say as long as you feel able to drive!!


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