being cheeky

i don't know if iv'e got the scarey feeling. just excited. been thinking about birthplan etc loads the past couple of days. thats the scarey bit. xxx
Welcome NMF, tri 3 is great - very exciting and goes so fast! Just we all moan alot cause we're so fat and uncomfortable but we love it really xx
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lol. i can definately join in there amanda. i ache sooo much at the mo and i know it will get worse.

stupid thing is its more in the morning when i get up. xxx
Oh yes I am so stiff in the mornings, can barely get out of bed. I have to roll myself out like some kind of beached whale, lol x
yeah me to. oh finds it funny. takes a good few hours for me to feel slightly normal though. xxx
lol wish you make us sound like a steam roller.

it's a good job my bed is quite high otherwise i would be stuck there forever. xxx
Haha...I AM a steamroller!!! I see you're a Kent too! My family live in the Medway area!

good morning ladies :)

im clearly the best behaved hee hee
Good morning Midnight...long time no see huh? And I think you're the WORST of all of us!!! You and your :knit:


i dont believe that for a second mid. your just keeping quiet. lol.

Morning midnight :)
Actually has anyone seen miss?

lol no i was wondering where she was she is normally the 1st one to join in a butt shaking. xxx
:phone: Miss speaking how can I help? lol

Awww here she is! Our NMF! I have missed you hunny - welcome over! :hug: xxx

Pinky the answer to your question is an oxymoron ;) God I need to get a life lol xxx
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i'm crossing over to the home straight a few hours early.

hope you don't mind. i'm so excited to be in tri 3 and can't believe i'm here already. seems to have flown.

how are you all. xxxx

Welcome to the moany nut-house Hun!!! Xxx
lol. couldn't wait to get over here with you all and now i know why. i'm bk in the mad house. xxx

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