Being a mum


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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Hi ladies

Pointless thread really but I just wanted to to say Isn't it great being a mum!
It's tiring & frustrating sometimes (am currently trying to get Joe used to a bottle) and you can't be spontanious and just drop everything to do something/go somewhere anymore, but when your baby smiles & coos at you, it melts your heart dosen't it and it's sooo worth it. :love:

Anyway, just noticed Joe's woken up. I'm off to give him kisses & cuddles xxx
AGREED! Just spent a great day with the boy and DH, love being a mum and part of my own little family.
I was about to say even though it can be really frustrating and tiring bringing up a child but it is the best and i never regret having a lil un even when he does try pushing the wrong buttons on a not so good day! But love him lots :D. x
It still feels wierd after 7 nearly 8 months that im a mummy :L lol x
Awww not pointless at all, I totally agree! Its the best feeling in the world! LOVE it!! Even though I find it hard to do littke things like have a bath, I wouldnt change it fir the world! I love his little smiles, the way he shakes his head from side to side when he wants to be left alone, the way he grabs my hair or top when im holding him and the way that sometimes only a mummy cuddle will do! They are a gift to be treasured! Sorry getting a bit soppy now haha, but a lovely post xx
I love being a mummy! never realised i could love someone so much, everything she smiles my heart melts, she's now really interesed in toys and plays for hours, love it! xx
Me and parenting didn't agree at first but now its fab :yay: I have to stay in london for 2 nights from tomorrow and I dont want to go :( shes smiles all the time and I kept her up late tonight just because she was smiling and I didnt want to put her down :blush:

Bloody tiring sometimes and so stressful as, lets face it, no baby is perfect lol, but its totally is worth it.
Agreed , its tiring and at times so stressful but I love it :)
What a fantastic post! It's so true, although I still get a bit of a shock when I remember I'm a mum! I was applying for Lizzie's passport yesterday and in the bit where it said 'relationship to applicant' I wrote 'MOTHER' and then had to stop and let it sink in all over again :)
Ahh I love being a mummy too! Sofia is only 2 weeks but she is my world now and I wouldn't change that for anything. I love her so much and I love feeding her and we are a bit of a team. Mummyhood is amazing! X
I LOVE being a mum :) ella-rose is the best thing that ever happened to me. Yes I get tired and stressed but one smile or chuckle and that all disappears. I love her little mannerisms like the way she snuggles into my boob when feeding and holds onto my finger :-D love her so much!
Good thread! I didn't think I'd love being a mummy as much as I do! I wish I'd done it years ago now!
Agreed! I'm now a third time mum and the feeling of pride when I look at all my boys is immense. I love them so so much it hurts! My sister in law keeps asking to have Drake overnight and as we were going for a meal on saturday I considered it but I nearly had a panic attack about leaving him and got all teary! They all ended up coming with us in the end lol

Sure my bodily hair is growing into a forest, my eyebrows are overgrown, I never have tine for makeup, I look like shit, I'm knackered but I don't care! Being a mother is worth it completely.
Just looking at my little angel knocking the z's out. I love my little Joseph sooo much xxx.



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