Been to see mw!! :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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hi feelin really dissappointed. i am 1 day overdue and went to see mw, asked about a sweep but she didnt want to do one yet (had a sneaky feelin she wouldnt becus she is too busy!!). she has arranged for me to be induced on 25th sept but that seems like ages away!!!

last week i saw her and i was experiencing flashing lights and had protein in urine and swelling, the flashing has slowed down now but i still have protein, swellin and also really bad epigastric pain (burning in ribs) i am also only measuring 37 weeks!! she wanted me to go to hospital but i dont have anyone to take me till 2moro or to look after DD, and becus my movements have been reduced today i have got to go in the morning . last week they kept me in for 2 days in case i developed high blood pressure and it was awful, i couldnt sleep, i had to ask for gaviscon insted of just being able to take it and the food was gross, as well as being lonely bored and missing my DD. now im scared they will keep me in again tomorrow but obviously it is for the safety of me and LO so i will go. im just gettin really fed up and tearful now and also worried and need to let it all out.

sorry for the moan!

Oh, hunny, sorry you are feeling low.

Lots of hugs for you! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you feel better. Everything will work out for the best in the end if you do have to stay, but hope you don't. My induction date was booked for term+12, and I had my sweep at term+9.


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