been to doctors today to confirm pregnancy!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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hello everyone!
im 6 weeks pregaz :D
what did the doctors say to everyone when they went to the first visit??
my doctor today just told me that i could take paracetamol and that my belly cramps was my uterus streching and that was it ( no blood test no blood pressure no certificate no midwife booked no leaflets no nothing)
got to go back in 2 weeks why did i bother!!! :( :( :(
also when did everyone have there first scan? he told me my first one is due at 16 weeks and second one at 20 weeks???
thanks peeps
shell x :)
when i first went tp my doctors they told me all about folic acid what i shud and shouldnt eat and they told me that i would get a letter through telling me when my first midwife appointment was, i thought you were supposed to have yopur first scan at 12 weeks? then again i found out late and had mine at 17weeks and 2 days:)
Congrats on your pregnancy.

I went to see the doctor for the first time last week and when I walked in he didn't even know why I was there! After that he did however redeem himself after asking if I was going to keep the baby or not and then gave me a thorough medical. I also had some probs with my kidneys when I was very young (under 4) leaving me with a scar on my kidney so he has referred me to a specialist for that.

As I had no idea about the date I conceived he gave me a scan form straightaway for a dating scan (last period was Jan). Due to the wonderful NHS though I have to wait 2 weeks for the scan.

I was told by the unhelpful receptionist that they would put me in the midwife's diary to call in a couple of weeks time to then make an appointment. I was given no literature whatsoever either which I think was pretty poor. I was given a urine test before my appointment so the hospital could check that I was pregnant.
at least you got a urine test lol!!!
i didnt even get one of them he didnt even mention folic acid or foods i can and cantr have :x
what a usless doctor :(
Alright wanabmum,

I went to doctors when I was four weeks pregnant. They told me my EDD, gave me information on folic acid, foods not to eat and what to do if there was any bleeding. She then said she would refer me to the midwife. I got a letter a few weeks later giving me an appt for my booking in appt which was today and I have my first scan in 4 weeks.
wanabamum said:
at least you got a urine test lol!!!
i didnt even get one of them he didnt even mention folic acid or foods i can and cantr have :x
what a usless doctor :(

Although I did get a good medical, I wasn't given any other information about what I could or couldn't eat or what I should or shouldn't be doing! I couldn't even get an appointment with the doctor until I had the urine test, and when the receptionist gave me the result over the phone she only booked me in to see the doctor because I asked her too.

When the first 3 months is so important developmentally to the baby, you would have thought they would give you more info!
I agree Becky, I was clueless really as its my first pregnancy, and he told me nothing really. I had been taking folic acid for 12 months anyway whilst TTC so he congratulated me on being "a good girl" :? (I am 34!!) My blood pressure was high but he put that down to excitement. LOL Other than that, he did nothing. NO tests etc (I had done 4 BFPs at home and took them to show him) I got my booking in appointment letter one week later, and its next Wednesday so was impressed with speed of it.

I found this forum excellent for info, and I search the net for does and donts. Its pretty scary stuff....

Did your doc sign an exemption form for you for prescriptions etc? Mine didnt and I was advised by sis he should of...I rang reception and they asked me back in to sign a form, doc signs it and they send it off. You will then get a card so your prescriptions, eye tests, dentist etc are free during pregnancy and up till the baby is 12 months old.

Hope this helps and congrats again xxxx :D
Hi Zoe,

I knew about the exemption form but did not know how to get one. I will have to get onto the doctors about that as I need an eye check and a dentist trip pretty iminently. I had read that the midwife could issue it so I was waiting for my appointment with her before sorting it out.

I think a lot of it depends on your doctor. Why don't they just leave the information out free in the surgery waiting room? Maybe they are afraid someone might take it! :D

Well all my doctor asked me was what was wrong with me, so i told him i was pregant, he asked when my last period was, i told him, then he said i'll get the midwife to contact you for an appointment and that was it, no information, advice, leaflets bugger all!!
the midwife did my exemption on my first you should expect it then :D

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