been to docs

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Hi all hope everyone is well and not suffering too much. :D

Im doing well been feeling very sick but havent really been sick much just the feeling. :(

Went to the docs on thurs and i told him i was pregnant again he was really happy for me and said the hospital will be keeping a close eye on me and having regular hospital visits and scans to make sure all is going well :cheer: . He is booking me in with the midwife soon so i can have a scan in the next few weeks just to make sure and check my dates but dont think they will change :D

I actually sat and cried for the first time this pregnancy in the doctors really sad i know but i was terrified something will go wrong he was really nice and said that they would keep an eye on me. As long as i take it easy and get medical help if i have any problems or concerns he doesnt see why i cant have this baby.

So here i am really trying hard to be happy and excited because deep down im terrified and excited all at the same time :cheer:

:hug: :hug:
bless you hun i know how you feel and just try and stay postive you can do it hun and you will have a nice happy and healthy baby at the end of it if you ever need a chat you know wher iam hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww tracey hun :hug: :hug: i kinda know how you must be feeling because i know how scared i will be of getting preg again and we kinda have been thro the same sort of thing but at least they are going to keep a close eye on you this time and there is no reason why u wont go on and have your healthy little baby in jan,just try and stay as positive as poss and all will be fine im sure of it. :hug:
:hug: Big hugs for my friend :hug: You and you little lentil will be fine, Try to relax a little sweetheart, you can't help the fear, worry and now pregnancy fueled emotions... but we are here to give you that much need hug... " i know i still need mine" although I have just passed the stage of losing in the past... 16 week gestation with Lewis' now i can breath a little (little) easier :dance:
Talk soon.... enjoy the morning sickness :puke: it's all good :rotfl:
Lv Yvonne xx
You really deserve this so mch- relax and look after yourself and all the very best with this pregnancy :hug: :hug:
Hi Tracey...

I just wanted to send :hug: :hug: and say its good that the docs are keeping a close eye on you. i wish you a healthy 9 months :hug:
I am glad they are going to keep a close eye on you. Try not to worry and I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy. x x x
sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope third time is a charm for you :pray:
ah thanks you guys, means a lot least i know if i need a moan or rant you guys are here.

Anyway hope your all ok and this will be a great pregnancy for us all. :dance: :cheer: :hug: :hug:
Ahhh the morning sickness.....always a chore and never a pleasure :D
Glad they are going to keep a close eye on you, & your luck is in too - i will now officially become your pregnancy stalker :D
I might even go out tomorrow and buy a black mac especially :think:
yay emmylou, so glad your now my preg stalker but no need to go over board with black mac hun ok!

:hug: :hug:
Ok, but can you please let me keep the dark glasses & the hat? :rotfl:
Emmylou said:
Ok, but can you please let me keep the dark glasses & the hat? :rotfl:

well ok if you have too then :shock: i suppose. (PLEASE HELP STALKER ON THE LOOSE)

But really thanks hun you dont know how much this means to me for you looking out for me even in your rediculus (sp) clothing its nothing to do with me if the police turn up wanted to know why your hassling me :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

hey em check your 1st discussion (here i am thread) now im gonna stalk you :rotfl: :rotfl:

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