Hi im pregnant after a very upsetting mmc..I have just had my booking app t but midwife has referred me to mash team, because im going through a court case, she said we were both vulnerable me and DH and suffering from stress.I told her that we are coping with court case well .I have no mental health problems since 2010.I have had dealings with social services but it was brief they were not helpful neither were CMHT in fact I had horrendous experience with both. I'm devastated being referred to mash no one understands how I feel .I feel its unnecessary my question is will mash contact me ? ive done a parenting course I ve had two recent psychiatric reports that say I don't have any mental health problems and i don't need their services.I said i was a very strong person but she didn't listen.I didn't get referred last pregnancy and that was only five months ago surely I don't need it now.The court case ends in a few months any way.please help ps is it ok to phone mash team in social services to ask if they will come round i cant live with the not knowing and i cant stop worrying.
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