been in hospital x 2


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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hi guys

Sorry I have not been on posting much of late, I ended up going into hospital on Sat am with really bad period pains. they hooked my up to a moniter and checked the baby, she is head down and very very low but it is not early labour.

I was only measuring 29 weeks and I am 33 so they sent me for a scan yesterday and she is small so I have to go back in a few weeks.

It is all very confusing and I am still feeling unwell and have the period pains, I hope she is going to be ok.

Anyone else had this?

I'll keep you postedx
I have been measuring small and have been having to go back for check ups every fortnight.
At first i was told the fluid was low around the baby then when i returned 2 weeks later they said that was normal but the now the placenta wasn't functioning properly. I went back last week and all was normal and i was only measuring one week behind!

I have been told that i am probably just having a small baby anyway.

Also i have been getting period pains but i haven't seen a M/W or doctor about it.
ive been had any of it hun
just wanted to give you this :hug: :hug:
hope things get better for you
manda xx
Hope u are ok

Going by my antenatal class last night and the other mums who were 31 weeks I am tiny! But I have no idea if I am measuring small or not - I wasn't measuring small at my last midwife appointment (28 weeks). I have another midwife appointment next week so will find out then I think.
Hi Gemma honey,

Sorry you have had such a fright. I hope you are ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have the period pains, but they have not been severe, just very mild, I thought it was my body gearing up for the main event.
As for baby's size, it is good they are keeping an eye on it and going to scan you in a few weeks. I know it must be hard not to worry, but some people have smaller babies and they are lovely and healthy. My friend had a little girl that weighed 4lbs at birth. She was perfect. She was in hospital for 5 days and is now a thriving two month old.
Get lots of rest and keep eating well.

Lots of love and hugs
:hug: :hug: :hug: Glad you are back home again and it wasn't early labour.
I've been getting period pains too. I think if you start getting contraction type pains that come in waves it can be cause to worry.
Hey hun, try not to worry too much as babies grow at different rates and im sure everything will be fine :) as far as the period pains I had strong period pains on and off throughout pregnancy and was monitored alot because of them and was worried i'd have her early but i went over my EDD and was induced. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear you've been in hospital - that sucks :hug:

Are the pains any better now? xxx
i was measuring 29 at 34 weeks, so much like you. I also got sent for a growth scan last week,and my LO is small - on the 90th line but still within normal range , so they are scanning me again at 38 weeks just to make sure it hasnt dropped to below accepted range. That sounds like what theyre doing with you. If they were really concerned they'd scan you every week.

the way i see it is, all babies cant all be exactly the same size,, if there were 10 babies mine could be the 9th smallest but somebody has to be 9th!!!
thanks guys

you have reasssured me...I'll keep looking after myself, reassuring to know other people are getting period like pains as well
my pains are just the same, not severe though
hope your feeling a bit better now hunny.
im sure your little one will be fine :hug:
lol sarah

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