Been in hospital over night


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I have been in hospital since last night with my chest pains and i am being treated for a possible blood clot, they have messed me around so much and got me so worked up and angry, i have never cried so much in one day.

Anyway i am having to have injections to thin my blood and paracetamol every 4 hours for the pain and i am so worried about what this is all doing to my baby, they have said that the medication wont harm the baby, but they have messed me around so much that i think my mental state will harm the baby instead.

I have had a few pains in my tummy and in my down below bits, nothing severe but i havent had any tummy pain for a while and all my symptoms seem to have disappeared.

Has anyone else been/being treated for a blood clot whilst pregnant.

I am so scared about everything at the moment :cry:
:hug: :hug:
Hope you feel better. I cant help you with the blood clot but I really hope you feel better soon.

I cant help you either, but i send love and hugs your way :hug:
i cant help but look after yourself and dont worry,heres some hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope your feeling better soon hun xxx
Hi hun

never treated myself but one of my close friends was very early in her pregancy aswell, the ended up giving her wafaren (sorry bout spellling)
blood thining tablets and she went on to have a very healthy pregancy and her son has just turned 4.

Hope ur feeling better soon xxxx
I cant help you on this one! But best of luck and hope you feel better soon.

As for harming baby cos of your mental state I have been under tremendous stress these past few months and what you need to keep in mind is that babies are hardy, tough little things! Im sure all will work out fine :hug:
Hi flame. I had this with my son. I had a pain in my leg for a couple of days, was advised to get it checked out. I mentioned it at my hospital appointment and they checked me out and were concerned I had a clot in my leg. They wrote up lots of notes and I saw three different doctors, and they arraned for me to have a scan in 2 days time. In the mean time they rushed me down to the haeomatology (sp?) department where they injected me with heprin and showed me how to do it and sent me ome with a load of needles. Te whole thin was so scarey I remember sitting in the waiting room crying in my own terrified. Two days later I went back for the scan and they didnt find any clots, either there wasnt one to start with or the heprin had busted it apart before the scan.

I know its a really scarey time, but its normally just precautionary, treat it even if its not actually there to be on the safe side. If you do have a clot, the fact they have started treating it is ood, these things are more life threatening if they are left undetected. Try not to worry, as it may well e nothing anyway. And yes I was worried about the efects of the drus, but they really do NOT cause any harm to your baby.
I hope you get this sorted soon hun. Take care.
I wouldn't worry too much as if it was going to harm your baby then they wouldn't give it to you.

You don't say what drug they have given you, but if it is heparin then this is a normal protein that is present in your body (It was originally isolated from the liver) and so I wouldn't expect it to cause any harm to your baby. Trust me, I'm a doctor as they say :D . (Well not in the medical sense but I am a scientist doctor).

And yes stress isn't ideal but as all the other ladies have said babies are incredibly tough. So I know its easier to say than to do but just relax and try to focus on the happy healthy baby you are going to have.

Hope you feel better soon
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: sending you hugs as i have no info on this sorry doll..... be well soon.... thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Lv Yvonne xx

Hope your feeling better soon hun and everything works out for you
Awww thanks for all your kind words girls, i really appreciate them :hug:

A quick update, today they did some more tests and found some abnormalities on my lungs which they say still dont prove whether i have a blood clot or not but they cant do anymore scans because of the baby, so are treating me for a blood clot anyway and i have to have an injection of clexin or clexan or summat into my tummy twice a day for the rest of my pregnancy.

Apparently its not usually found this early in pregnancy but obviously my body thinks otherwise as usual.
Aw hun, hang on in there, I know the injections suck but you will get through this. At keast with the treatment this should stop anything more serious from happening.

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