Been for my 12 week scan Now with Pic


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2006
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I went for my 12 week scan yesterday and everything is fine, I had convinced myself that there would be something wrong but all was well.

My due date has been put back by 1 day so I am now due on 31.10.07, Halloween!

The baby wouldn't stop moving around, my hubby loved it, he thinks it's a boy as it was bouncing around so much (bouncing baby boy)

I want to upload the photo but don't know how to can anyone help me?

Thanks S x

ok so have got the pics, the first one is big but I don't know how to get it smaller like the second one so sorry :doh:


congratulations :cheer: be a cool day for a birthday party on halloween :dance:

use something like free and easy to use.

register with them then browse your pc for the pic then upload it :)
Yay :hug: :cheer:

Just think of the great fancy dress parties you LO can have on it's birthday!!

Glad everything was ok for you :hug:
Hi Stacey,

Great scan picture - looks like the baby is waving! :D Thanks for sharing it with us. You must be so relieved to have seen your baby at last and to know everything's okay.

As for your baby's birthday being on Halloween, I agree with everyone else - it's a great time for a party. My auntie's birthday is on the 1st November and she still has a party every Halloween, even though her two kids are getting a bit too old for it now (it's for her really). But who actually goes exactly on their due date? Has anyone on here gave birth on the date given by their scan?

awwww hun, your pic is soooooo cute. a little miniture person all curled up in there :D
Lovely pic hun it's wonderful. And what a great day to be born on.
Hi There, :wave:

Just wanted to say what a fantastic picture. I go for my first scan on the 10th May and I hope I can get a picture just as clear.

Halloween, is a great time to celebrate a birthday. Just think of all the fun you will have, and have you thought of any names for your baby, like one from your favourite scary film???

Take Care x

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