Been a while! Baby 2 is now 1, update and Birth trauma


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
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Hi ladies,
It’s been a hell of a long time since I was last on here! My second son is now 1 his birthday was the 1st of July and it’s been a hell of a year. Sadly my pregnancy with him wasn’t great I had Gestational diabetes and was bullied by my hospital throughout it, labour and birth was also bad I was assaulted by a midwife that same midwife also slagged me off to another member of staff and at 9cm I was taken for an emergency c section under general. I’ve been going through therapy and getting help for my birth trauma and I’m in a good place. I’ve had 6 appointments at the hospital to find out what happened and why I’ve also got 3 scars my first c section scar as two extra because the surgeon cut me twice high up to try and say it was where my first scar was and caused some damage. However it’s all going well and we’ve been given the go ahead to TTC again as we want more children and there is no lasting damage. I am anxious because I will have to have a section again now due to what they did and how I was treated I’ve got a legal team involved as well due to what happened and how I was treated. I’m now an advocate for birth trauma and trying to help others who have been through trauma too because it doesn’t matter how your trauma happened what matters is getting support from people and getting answers you need for a recovery your feelings are valid, how you feel matters.
I'm sorry you had a tough time and hope that you can make some changes. I had a traumatic labour with my second child (no ones fault just birth complications) and it's very hard to get over. He's almost 4 now and we are just starting to ttc again
Oh Hun :( it’s how it makes you feel though and every trauma is valid and matters you aren’t alone hun. We are hoping to have baby no 3 soon I want them all close together so it’d be nice. Good luck in TTC Hun baby dust xxx

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