bedtime dilemma/pain in the bum!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Charlie seems to need certain comforters to go to bed but then in the same way they stop him sleeping and I end up going in to him about 3000 times which gets annoying when there's dishes etc to be done. He has music, white noise, which are fine its the dummy and a blanket next to the face, oh and teething gel. The dummy is the qorst, he HAS to have it to go to sleep, so i put it in and he pulls it out near enough straight away, plays with it and then can't get it back in or even worse launches it across his cot and I cant find it. Why does he do this?? Sometimes when in feeding him he tried to stick his thumb in his mouth at the same time... And with the blanket he will either pull it over his face or roll into it, causing his dummy to fall out...frustrating. if I leave him to cry he just gets himself into a syress and won't calm down, he's not hungry as he has milk and cuddled just before he goes down. I don't know what he wants, ive tried putting mittens on him but he still knocks it out...grrr x
Also if I put him to bed earlier than half 7 he seems to go down easier but is then up at 5 :/
Oh hunni I completely sympathise Stanley is exactly the same! I'd be interested to see what people suggest because at the moment I'm up about twenty times from about 230am popping the dummy in lol xx
I'm interested to see what others say too as Angel can be the same, although not as bad as Charlie bless ya. She's discovered she can take her dummy out too and can't always get it back in and even if she does put it in she pulls it out again straight away, not sure why I think she's just experimenting lol x
Sounds like Owen lol ive just bought avent dummy's with glow in the dark handles as I hate trying to find them in the dark or when he has thrown them across the room x

Mum of Owen. Born 11/7/11 @ 19.17pm weighing 7lb 12 oz :)
Rhea is the same while settling and then from about 6 . Scratch mits worked for a couple of nights but not anymore !! I try to give her a bit of the blanket to hold in the hand she usually pulls her dummy out with !! Think we r just destined to keep getting up till they r older and can find the dummy themselves !! I always keep spares close to hand so I'm not crawling around on the floor at stupid o'clock !! Xxx

Grace was the same with the dummy until we attached it to her. We did it for 2 days all day now I only need to go in about 10pm cause it falls down under her armpit (why the same time every night I don't know) I don't need to go in at all after that once in the night.
I leave her music on low all night but will be weaning her off that hopefully in the next week or so
Angel aims hers between the cot slats and it goes under it. So at 3am I'm scrambling around under her cot for it lol x
Glad its not just me then! He's asleep now, will sleep til about 2 and will only fall back asleep if I give him milk... I've read that I should try and cut it out now he's older but he doesn't drink it until about 9/10am regardless of night feeds(I just have to give him porridge at 7) so I'd rather get back in bed and know he's at least drinking it at somepoint, even if I do have to get up at silly o clock x
I attatched Jack's dummy to him during the day for 2 days (hate dummy clips attatched all the time) so he learned how to put it in. We still have trouble occasionally and I have to pop it back in for him in the early hours of the morning but we also leave 1 dummy either side of him and he always has a different one in when he wakes up so I know he routes around and finds them in his sleep. Tonight he self settled cuddling his muzzy and holding a dummy (and sucking one) plus he's 'upside down' in his cot. He looks so cute lol

I guess the only thing you can do is wait until they learn how to put the dummy in themselves. Sorry I can't be more help than that x
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That's a good idea, Charlie doesn't have it much in the day unless he's napping or his teeth hurt, but putting some at the side of him at night is good :) maybe I should get some glow ones so he can find them easier...then again he will just be playing with the lights and not go to sleep... He can put it back in sat up but when he's lying down he turns it round and puts the handle in his mouth, and can't turn it back again... So awkward, would love to get rid of it altogether but I don't have the energy for th tantrums right now lol x
What about a clip - attatch it to his jammies - at least then it wouldnt disappear the same, and he might manage to find it easier. xxx

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