bed time advice


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Alex is 4 weeks old and she wont sleep untill 11pm at the earlist usually its more like 12 . I express during the day so oh can give her a bottle before bed. She will drink 6-8oz then we wind her and put her in her basket she usually settles herself and falls asleep within 10mins then sleeps right through untill 7/8am. I dont know if she should be going to sleep earlier she will sleep on and off during the early evening but wakes about 7 until she has her last bottle. All ypur LOs sound like tgey go down alot earlier. Am i doing something wrong ive tryed giving her her bottle earlier but she dosnt want it. Do i need to get er down earlieer ir will she be ok going to bed at this time. Sorry if this is a silly question it still feels like i dont really have a clue what im doing. X
At that age Tyler went to bed at a similar time and as he's got older he's naturally got earlier (7pm!) by himself in 13 weeks (from birth)

Yep Sophie's bed time started like that and gradually got earlier and earlier thankfully
Same with Charlie just go with the flow, don't do what I did and suddenly change the bedtime drastically, I changed from 9 til half 6 as 'everyone else's babies were' and by god he was horrendous and has never slept through since, now it is a battle to try put him bed later again to try get him to sleep lol x
Same as my LO that age. She is 10 weeks old and she is between 9 and 10 now. Just go with the flow for a bit.
We were the same and at 3 months we started to bring it back by 15 mins/30 mins a week until we got her back to 7ish...its easier to do gradually and they kind of dont notice iykwim.

We got her back to 9pm and then she did the rest herself!

I can remember at the time thinking that everyone elses los were tucked up in bed by 7pm and ours wasnt lol......think its totally normal when theyre so dinky :) xx
AJ is nearly 4 weeks and his last bottle is 12am and thats when he goes down for the night. x
Theo is fed between 7 and 8 then he takes himself off to sleep wakes at 5 or 6 for feed then back to sleep for few hours until his 4yr old sister wakes him up lol. He chose the 7-8 sleep time himself we've not started it as a routine. He's 10.5 week at mo
Georgia is just 7 weeks and it's only this last couple of weeks she's gone down earlier. She was exactly the same as Alex before. Xxx
lol im doing before bed feed now but Alyssa usually stays downstairs with daddy til 3am then has her 'night' feed so i guess this is the before bedtime feed, usually anytime between 11 and 1am
Grace is going to bed between 9.30pm and 11.00pm, which is great as she used to go at like 1am! Before her needles she would fall asleep at 10pm and that would be it, but she went all unsettled after her needles and started the 1am thing. I've just stuck to 10pm and took her to bed at that time every night, you have to just stick at a certain time and they'll eventually get tired naturally at their set bed time. It's hard some nights as she'll be wanting to play instead (like last night, she started laughing when I took her to bed!!) but baby's are just like that, very unpredictable. Don't worry about taking her to bed at this time though, I was taking Grace to bed at 11-12 at night when she was younger, simply because we hadn't got into a routine yet, and I was going to bed with her. Now I take her to bed on her own and have some me time before I go to bed :)

You're not doing anything wrong hun. Plus baby's do naturally go to bed earlier in time, as long as you encourage it. My mum always tells me Grace will be going to bed 7pm in a few months, I certainly hope so! xxx
My LO was the same up until he was 10 weeks, he he didn't sleep until 11.30/midnight and woke frequently for feeds. At about 10 weeks old he just slept after his 8.30/9pm feed and stayed asleep not waking until 1/2am. At first we didn't put him to bed cos we didn't think he'd stay like it! Now his routine is the same, bath 7.30, last feed 8pm, bed 8.30 and he can sleep generally through to between 3
and 5 am. Last night he went until 6.30! Then he has a feed and gets up at about 8.30. It takes a while but they do work out what's day/night. My LO is awake most of day now (14 weeks old) except for 2-3 20 minute naps.

You're not doing anything wrong hun :) x
Henry usually goes to sleep around half 10 when we go to bed. He then usually sleeps until between 2-3am. I'm sure of we were up later he wouldnt go down until later. Gonna start taking him to bed before we go up now tho so we get some time together.was gonna try last night but it didn't work out in the end. DH is out tonight tho so givin it a go tonight.

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