Oh Becky i hope the induction goes well for you. Although i would say the induction process can be sooo long and very tiring on the body. Also the drip can cause stress on your body which i would be scared about esp with your heart and that. But your doctor knows best and im sure fully aware of everything ive just said.
Now if it was me I would possibly try and seee how you go yourself witht he induction. But i can't stress enough if your bodys not ready to be induced it may lead to a c section anyways. Esp with you being a first time mum. I know this from experience. I was induced at 40 weeks and my body was not ready to be induced. I was taking in on the Sunday given a 6 hour persery, then another 6 hour persery for over night. Then on the Monday morning i was given another persery as i was only 2 cm. My waters broke at 12pm and then i was taken to the labour ward around 4/5 to be placed on the drip as i was only 4 cm dilated. They broke my hind waters and i dilated to 8cm. I was 8cm for 8 hours and failed to progress any further. My body was exhausted and food deprived and i was just so zonked it was awful tbh, Then my worst fear... i was rushed for an emergency c section. It was major surgery but i recovered well. Apart from the fact i will never have a flat stomach again and i cnt feel parts of it lol.. But i would have a million c sections if it meant i could have my beautiful baby boy.
Follow your own body and listen to what its telling you!... I really will be thinking away about you wen you go in. Crazy to think we started in Tri 1 together and now your gonna have your baby less that 2 weeks time xx