beating the most ever users online record

LauraB said:
Is Budge going to beat Sarah, or will Sarah manage to hang on to her forum-breaking crown for a while longer?!! :twisted:

i wondered what you meant then! :lol:
apparantly the session expires after about 5mins so unless everyone refreshes every now and then they wont be counted!
a little cheat - if you log out then log back in, it counts you as a guest AND as logged in so you get double
budge said:
i don't think its going to happen :cry:
aw budge :hug: Maybe you should try again next week, and I'll put a reminder up at the top of the forum tomorrow so we can make sure everyone knows about it plenty of time in advance! What do you reckon? :dance:
I've got Dan running round refreshing the computers upstairs (he needs the exercise)

If you have more than one browser installed (Firefox and Internet Explorer for example), you can open them all up and it'll double you up, but won't work with multiple windows of the same browser
LauraB said:
budge said:
i don't think its going to happen :cry:
aw budge :hug: Maybe you should try again next week, and I'll put a reminder up at the top of the forum tomorrow so we can make sure everyone knows about it plenty of time in advance! What do you reckon? :dance:

:D thanks :D

i wonder what night id the busiest,

im so sorry but what time are we working from, the clock on the posts sez 8 something but its really 9 something... im confuddled :? :?
im here i got here half hour ago im a bit late though :lol:
tangerinedream said:
im so sorry but what time are we working from, the clock on the posts sez 8 something but its really 9 something... im confuddled :? :?
8 o'clock in 'real life' time :lol: ..... if your screen is still showing times on here an hour behind, you need to change the time settings in your profile to 'GMT+1' (there are some instructions here, but send me a PM if you get stuck)
budge said:
LauraB said:
budge said:
i don't think its going to happen :cry:
aw budge :hug: Maybe you should try again next week, and I'll put a reminder up at the top of the forum tomorrow so we can make sure everyone knows about it plenty of time in advance! What do you reckon? :dance:

:D thanks :D

i wonder what night id the busiest,

Maybe Sunday again? 8pm or 9pm perhaps? Anyone got any ideas?
budge said:
Hello :wave:
LauraB said:
tangerinedream said:
im so sorry but what time are we working from, the clock on the posts sez 8 something but its really 9 something... im confuddled :? :?
8 o'clock in 'real life' time :lol: ..... if your screen is still showing times on here an hour behind, you need to change the time settings in your profile to 'GMT+1' (there are some instructions here, but send me a PM if you get stuck)

thanks, feel like a right plonker :oops:

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