
I have missed soooooo much :(

Bad guy in all of what!??

Whats going on?!!! AAGGGHHHHH

put your answers on a postcard to............ :lol:
I feel really sad...
This forum had become part of my life and many people here, even if I did not know them, were part of it too!

I feel really really sad!
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Mel xx
:shock: :shock: :shock:

I cant believe it & dont understand. How could she seem like the bad person? no one knows what has gone on??
Beanie could never be bad she was the funniest person on here & I will really miss her & her pics of Seren :cry:

Is she going to the birmingham meet?
rosieroo where are you h ave you dumped us as well your tickers and avatar thing have gone :(
i really hope Beanie hasnt gone for good, her little pics or seren really make me smile :) .

i never saw her as the bad guy i always saw her as the good guy and i never thought anyone had anything against her..from what ive seen everyone on here loves her to bits and layla.

This is such a shame :( :(
What's the point in leaving? It's only a forum, who cares what people think? You don't have to see any of the people on here so don't take it to heart! Join in with the debates that will happen on every forum and just take it as a laugh and somewhere to let of steam! :lol:
Just letting you all know (sorry, I'm updating this a bit late!) that Beanie hasn't left, she's just taking a little break and will be back soon :D
yay glad to hear this and hope to see you back soon beanie hun xxxxxxxxxx
how soon is soon then?
we want beanie back! (want to say goodbye properly...)
sorry i'm an impatient bunt :angel:
Sorry, I'm not sure how soon soon is pips, but at least she's coming back so you won't have any need to say a proper goodbye!

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