beanie bears!

Kim said:
There isn't one for Roo's birthday :cry:

Just ignore me I'm being stupid there is, but none for sale on ebay unless i buy from america, however with the great exchange rate at the mo, that's probably a better option! How much do you normally pay for them budge?
it all depends. around £6. i have ordered from americal in the past but only for a couple
which one is for mine and hopes birthday, they are 19/10/06 and 25/08/87??
Thea's is snip the cat
mine is scorch the dragon
i also used to collect them - must have got at least 60 now. dont know whether they have one for my birthday - might have got it, not sure.

my friends mum used to collect them, she used to pay up to £200 for ONE!!!! how mad is that?!?!

do u have the end budge? the last one made? its black, my mom has it
no i don't cassi. I didn't even realise they had stopped being made. Ive not bought one for ages!!

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