Bath time help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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I have a problem... Ralph likes the bath his relaxed and content and he has a bottle before hand so his not screaming for hunger half way thru, he also has his towels warmed so his not cold when he gets out, He is placed on the bed in our room inwhich the room is warm too...but everytime he is placed down he screams the house down.. I try and calm him but he won't have it won't even take a dummy... Once dressed after a struggle getting him in his sleep suit as his screaming and carrying on he becomes calm again... His first bath he never did this and let me massage him but now he crys every bath time and I don't know what I'm doing wrong? Anyone got any tips?? X
keira does the same n im none the wiser xx
Jessica does this too, we think she's annoyed that she is out the bath cos she loves it!

Happy birthday by the way Alicia xxx
Yup, Riven does this too, I wrap him in the towel and give him a hug and that seems to calm him a bit, although when I put him down he screams again until he is dressed lol so not sure what my point was lol :) x x
Thanks Anne! :)

interesting we are all in the same boat and our lil ones are nearly all same age!! X
Didn't realise it was your birthday Alicia so hap'ty bifday x x
Will done this for a brief period so we done his bath earlier and it stopped! x
Finn cries when he comes out of the bath too. He loves being in there though. I guessed it was thè shock of getting out into the cold, even though his towel is warm it might take a couple of seconds for him to register that and maybe that sets him off. I don't know but it seems pretty common if all our babies do it! x
He will grow out if it. It's another 'phase'. Hannah initially loved the bath and was okay getting out. Then we had a few weeks of screaming and very stressful bath times. Now she is back to loving it again :)

So there is light at end of tunnel, all I would say is make sure baby not overtired at bath time xx
This happens to most babies (if that makes you feel any better lol) and I thinks it someything they just grow out of like screaming when their nappy is being changed.

Max only ever cried after his first few baths but I've never done anything different think he just got used to it very quickly xxx

Happy birthday Alicia! :D
We didn't bath Albert til 7-8 weeks so we missed this stage lol. There's a lot to be said for lazy parenting sometimes :D
Jake was great at bath time when he was younger but now when I take him out he is fine until I put him down to dry him and get his nappy on, he goes nuts! but he is being a right nightmare when it comes to any nappy change at the moment ugh

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