Ban on cooing at newborn babies in hospital - what a joke!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I heard about this yesterday in the news, this woman should be shot!

Here is the news article off the BBC website;

A national support group for mothers has criticised a hospital that has banned visitors from cooing at babies because of human rights fears.

The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) said the move by the Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax was unnecessary.

NCT chief executive Belinda Phipps said: "Mothers are able to tell people not to look at their babies or pull the curtain round for privacy."

The hospital said its advice related to privacy and infection control concerns.

A hospital trust spokeswoman said the guidelines were aimed at families visiting very ill children on the neo-natal intensive care unit and not at visitors to the general maternity wards.

Ms Phipps said the hospital may have misinterpreted the NHS Essence of Care guidelines.

"People cannot resist cooing over new babies but we need to respect the child"
Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager

"Women are much more likely to be unhappy about other crucial matters such as midwife shortages and high intervention rates than whether their baby is being cooed over," Ms Phipps said.

"Essence of Care would suggest that no-one should go into a birth room without knocking and waiting for permission for from the woman to enter.

"When this principle is in place in every hospital, it might be time to ask women about cooing over babies.

"For now, Calderdale Royal Hospital needs to treat mothers as grown ups. Mother should be able to say what she wants to happen with her baby."

Some new mothers have already said they are astonished by the rules which stop people asking questions about their babies or looking at them in maternity wards.

Good intentions

Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager at the hospital's special care baby unit, said: "We know people have good intentions and most people cannot resist cooing over new babies but we need to respect the child.

"Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me."

A spokeswoman for Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust said the advice was as much to do with reducing infection as it was upholding "rights".

In a statement she said: "Staff were wishing to highlight issues of potential confidentiality, especially for young babies and their parents in what can be emotional times.

"Infection control was also a key part of the message as the unit deals with very small babies with very vulnerable immune systems."
I heard about that - how pathetic!!! if people today honestly have nothing better to ban then what hope have we really got? lol Amy x
It's ridiculous, what is this world coming to?! :?:
I have heard everything now!!!!!!!! In fact, I read this article in my local paper twice as I thought my hormones were playing tricks on me. :lol:
sorry but i have to say i agree with this 100%...(i know u must think im mad lol) but after being in hospital with the birth of alana...

i woke up once, only to find a porter cuddling my baby.. i was not impressed.... also porters dont wash their hands between contact with each patient.. so i wud never even allow a porter to even touch my baby.

after that i kept the curtain pulled around at all times... and kind of hide my baby away from every one else :lol: greedy mummy
Sorry to say that I am another one that doesn't want a perfect stranger peering over or touching my baby whilst we are in hospital. Especially whilst I am recovering from labour! As if the belly rubs whilst pregnant aren't bad enough!
maybe they should think about banning smoking whilst pregnant , alot more worthwhile

and yeah elaine if i was there when the porter picked her up their would have been serious trouble :D

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