Bad Nappy Rash


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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Over the last 4-5 days we have been getting 6-7 dirty nappies every 24hrs. Unfortunately this has left Ellie with very bad nappy rash. I have been putting on sudacream like there is no tomorrow but it is still looking very sore. Can anybody recommend anything better (over the counter) - or would it be worth trying to get to the doctors. NB I doubt I will be able to get an appointment before Monday now.

In addition I think Ellie has conjunctivitous. Is this something I need to see the doctor about or does it just go away on its own?

Thanks all.
My mum would say lots of air time! Especially with the weather as nice as it is.

I was always told to put only a thin layer of sudocrem on, to rub it in so it almost dissapears, if you put too much on then the skin becomes very wet (like when your in the bath for too long) and this encourgages bacteria,

Have you tried Bepanthen? It is a good cream to use as well, I got some in Boots. (touch wood though Logan has never had nappy rash)

conjunctivitus will not general go away by itself and you will need drops...

By the sounds of it your little one is a bit run down and her immune system is busy trying to fight off both these infections, It is worth talking to the Dr about this as they may be connected. :hug:
tesco my babys nappy cream - honestly this is a "magic cream" my lo had a sore bum and i plasterd it on the next day it was much better - also sorry if this is TMI but my dp had a stomach bug last week that left him with a sore bum poor thing :oops: he Also used tesco nappy cream and it was much better the next day!!!

i wouldnt swap nappy cream now i have tryd tesco one hope this helps xxxx
metaniuim (sp) this stuff looks like yellow mustard but works I promise,the smell is strong but fab stuff it is for sale in Boots
zinc and castor oil mixed with friars balsam

tiny weeny bit of friars balsam mixed with the castor oil until its like a light coffee coloured paste, it will sting but the nappy rash will be gone within 24 hours,
I got told not to put sudocrem on sore bits and just make sure its dry and put a tiny amount of talc on! But then another told me not to use talc so I never know what to believe... :think:
Hope you find the solution and it gets better soon! :hug:
I have been told that egg white works really well so I will try that if Jake gets a bad nappy rash.
Thanks all, I spent as much time as we could on Friday, Staurday and Sunday with Ellies nappy off and that has done the trick (in combination with Sudacream). She is not so sore now, and finally we seem to have settled back down to 3-4 dirty nappies in 24 hours as well. Still no teeth have broken through, I thought it was a sign they were about to appear but it appears not.
Arianna had bad nappy rash and I got a prescription from the HV for Canasten and it went in 2 days!

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