bad dream..


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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i dreamt Demba was awaay workin n i called him n this chick answered. She told me they been sleepin together since he was out clubbin in london last summer.

i know it was just a dream but i woke up feelin sick. n still im so angry with him i didnt answer when he called me earlier plus i promised to cook him lasagna tonight n now i dont want to CUZ he DONT deserve it!!
but it was just a dream..
but still.. heartbroken.

but hey
Mad what dreams can make us think isn't it?! I had dreams like that with an ex and it turned out he was a ******* in the end! X
aww dreams can seem so real. i dreamed that i was on the run from the police cos i'd murdered someone :-O. I was so upset that the kids would grow up with their mum in prison!! I was sad for days... :-(
aww i told him when he got home a had had a dream n i might be a bit angry but not to take any notice

didnt tell him what i dreamt tho

who did u kill??
I'm not sure but I remember thinking it was a bad person and deserved it! Lol.
I had an awful dream last night. I dreamt i had to put my dog down...i woke up crying :shock:

Ps..I always dream hubby is cheating on me..what does that mean?!?!?
oh dear
it says we are insecure, anxious n scared we are not good enough :(
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this thread made me smile cos a few months ago a had very similar dreams. (little backstory)- when phil and first got together after about 3 months he told me in front of all our freinds, that the best sexy time we had ever ever had was with his ex gf megan. 2months after that on he sent her a message telling her how he realyl wanted to meet up with her etc... when we used to go down to his his friends always used to tell him about how they had seen her and how good shes looking etc and then one night we were in a pub.Phils friend orks behind the bar, a group of ppl in front of us including megan and another joint friend of all of them blue. megan went out back with her drink and didnt notice us however blue saw phi land started talking to him. Phil turned to her and said blu this is sophie my gf etc and she completely ignored me (not even common courtesy hello - its like phil hadnt actually introducedus) and turned to phil and said 'guess who's outside......(wink)..... are you excited!'.Now by this point i nearly hit the roof anyway nonthless iv alwysb een really insecure.

Now 3 yers on i strted having horrendous dreams of how they were getting back together as they realised that they actually did still ike each other and it all got pretty horrible.SOrta thing where in my dream i was out with phil and we'd randomly bump in to her and they spent all their night together and i would just leave without being noticed sorta thing...

Last week i demanded that phli and i discuss what happened ( i didnt want the gory details just wanted to know enough that would put my mind at eaase) and we talked and it ws fine. That night i dreamed that phils other friend got with megan and we bcame date buddys lol....

Who says dreams dont mean anything and apparently this post was longer than i thought.....sorry for the rambles....


I hate it when you have dreams like that, it really puts you out of sorts for the whole day :(
When Eva was about 3 or 4 days old I had a seriously weird dream where I got a new pet, a gorgeously cute baby meerkat complete with russian accent and I found myself in a dilemma as to who should go in the baby car seat, Eva or the meerkat! I woke up rather upset at the thought that I was a bad mummy to Eva for even thinking about chucking her out of her car seat! Told my OH and he just burst out laughing which just made me feel even worse. Now a few weeks on I can laugh about it.
im sorry but
"I found myself in a dilemma as to who should go in the baby car seat, Eva or the meerkat"

When Eva was about 3 or 4 days old I had a seriously weird dream where I got a new pet, a gorgeously cute baby meerkat complete with russian accent and I found myself in a dilemma as to who should go in the baby car seat, Eva or the meerkat! I woke up rather upset at the thought that I was a bad mummy to Eva for even thinking about chucking her out of her car seat! Told my OH and he just burst out laughing which just made me feel even worse. Now a few weeks on I can laugh about it.

Omg!! Thats the funniest thing EVER!!! :rofl:
oh dear.. last nights dream:
Demba told me he wanted to start fresh with me so he wanted to fess up.. he said he slept with atleast 13 girls since bein with me. in his car. even worse, i was goin to forgive him!

then i woke up this morning he strokin me wanting a bit of the old in n out i just looked at him n said - i DONT think so!!
oh evelina...poor u! I always get angry with OH cos he 'dream cheats' on me loads!!! Am also a little insecure and jealous type! He just laughs at me now as know when I wke up angry and say 'u slept with someone last night'. Sometimes wake up crying :( silly us.

Worst dreams I have had in last few weeks, had about 4 of them, when someone looks after Owen and I go to pick him up but it's not Owen it's another baby but no-one realises and I search and search and cannot find owen anywhere:eh: so sad, always wake up in floods but so happy it's only a dream.

Dreams are weird huh??

(and just to lightne the mood-Meerkat dream so scary but still laughing!)
oh no thats scary! when i was preggo i dreamt i gace birth and he came out dead in a coffin so scay!

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