Bad Cramping but only one one side?

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hi Ladies

I was just wondering if any of you would be able to offer me any advice? :pray:

I got my BFP a week ago :shock: but am an open patient at the hospital for a possible ectopic because i have a sharp pain in my very low tummy on the right hand side (about 3 inches below my hip bone but further in).

I had a scan which showed nothing but an ovarian cyst and free fluid in my pelvis. So they took my bloods two days apart to see if the hormone doubled which it did :cheer:

But i still have this really uncomfortable pain in this one spot that is really worrying me. it comes and goes and sometimes it is just annoying but other times quite painful. So i was wondering if any of you ladies experienced anything similar in your early stages of pregnancy or was your cramping generally across the whole of your tummy etc etc.

My concern is that with me being so early it could be in my tubes and just growing which is why i feel the pain.

Any advice would be great.

All of my cramps since being preg are always on the right side, infact even when I feel the baby move its always on the right hand side!

Try not to worry, easy to say - I know xx
I had some cramps too

Try not to worry - things will be ok :hug:
I had cramps too but cant really say whether they were just at one side, sorry.
i had bad cramping just on my right side at 6-7 weeks. i had slight bleeding too but everythings fine.
Im always getting bad cramps, to begin with id panick all the time but now im just used to it. Is it around the time your due on? I get them every month, I also get it when baby is going through growth spurts and just generally on and off all the time.

Try not to worry,

T xx
They doctors thought i had an eptopic pregnacy so i was sent for a scan at 5 weeks - i to had a cyst and was experiencing pain - so much so that i kept collapsing! I had a scan a week later and saw the babies heart beat so they were happy with this. The pain i had was on one side.

Could it be that you are constipated a little? This also makes people cramp a lot. Are you going bck to have another scan if they weren't able to see much apart from fluid?
Cramps are quite normal so try not to worry. I know everything is a worry, especially in early pregnancy but most of us here have experienced cramps (some of us for weeks and weeks) and they have all just been stretching pains which you will experience because your uterus is stretching upwards and outwards.

So long as you're not doubled over in pain with the cramps or bleeding then I don't think you have anything to worry about. :D
Oh that is reassuring to know that other people have had similar cramping.

I am a little constipated well more like my movement cycle s a little slower (sorry TMI) :oops: but i have had this pain for a around 6 weeks which is longer than i have been pregnant but it just worries me that it has gone on for do long.

I have my next scan to check once and for all for ectopic on the 20th November. But the days are dragging until then.... :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'm praying :pray: all is well how some of you girls have made it to 12 weeks without having a nervous breakdown i do not know!! I'm a wreck with worry. I just really don't want to go through the pain of a M/c but i know my chances of holding onto my first bean is really small! And i think PCOS makes you more likely to MC too.

For a week I have had an on and off dull ache on my left side. My GP pressed around and has it didn't hurt witht he pressure, said all should be ok. And the norm, to come back if it got worse. I had the same with DS too. My mom also had it on her left side with my lil bro.

I have been worrying too. But am gonna try to relax now. I hope you can relax too :)

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