bad 31week appointment


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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well been feeling off colour on and off for a few weeks now, but just put it down to being pregnant as i dont expect to feel 100% all the time so havent said much about it.

got results of 28week bloods today and my iron levels are 13 so nothing wrong there, but my blood sugar levels were 3.2 after lunch :? so midwife was a bit concerned by that and also my bp which has been high since i fell pregnant was 110/62 today :? 2 reasons why i could be feeling dizzy but also proof im falling to bits, :doh: lol

been sent home by midwife to rest all weekend and if i dont feel better by monday i have to go back to get more tests :roll:

been instructed to eat little and often and to have a drink and a biscuit when i feel a bit iffy, lol.

good news is babys fine and heartbeat was fine, been a bit quiet this past week so was good to know babys dong well :) was lying with his/her legs tucked right up in under my ribs today :)
Sorry to hear your app never went too well hun but at least babies fine. At least your on the final stretch now. :hug:
I hope that everything rights itself soon and you start feeling better :hug:

Glad bubs is fine :cheer:
hey hun, i know im not in third tri (sorry) but i got told the same today and a little worried. my bp is something /60 sorry cant quite remember :lol: but my iron was 12 and my blood sugar was really low too at 3.3 after brekky. :think: were one of a kind :wink: x
Baby&i said:
hey hun, i know im not in third tri (sorry) but i got told the same today and a little worried. my bp is something /60 sorry cant quite remember :lol: but my iron was 12 and my blood sugar was really low too at 3.3 after brekky. :think: were one of a kind :wink: x

ohh you can join me in the mysteriously falling apart corner!! :wink:

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