Backache :(

Lacey's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I proper jinxed myself the other day after saying im having no problems with this pregnancy but since saying that ive had terrible backache everyday :(
Ive tried a warm bath but that hasn't helped and i even found it hard to sleep the other night!
Anyone got any tips on how to ease it cos it bloody hurts lol
Hot water bottle on the area or ice is what the bounty book thing advises-I use a bath and it helps a little and have found that my hypnotherapy cd relaxes everything and really helps! Lol! A massage might help?
i got my oh to give me a massage that was awsome but it came bk the following day lol.
It doesn't feel muscluar so a massage won't help! It feels like it's going down all my ribs on the right side! :(
i know what you mean i get it all the time i actually couldnt sleep the other night for it. What about they heat pads for your back i reckon they are safe in pregnancy x
Hey! Sorry to hear you're having backache issues, I'm lying in bed at the moment with crippling sciatica down both legs and bumcheeks, and my ribs on my right side feel like they are tangled and stuck together! Such a wierd feeling, I'm not showing yet really, think mines just a genuine backache. No real tips on how to relieve it, if I wasn't pregnant I'd be shoving co codamol down my neck! Lol. X
I think my mums got a heat pack so will try that! Lexii, i get bad sciatica in my bumcheeks at work if im stood for too long! Everyone laughs at me cos i say my ass is hurting but it actually really does hurt lol
Gah believe me I feel your pain. For the past few weeks I've been feeling like a crippled old lady my back has been aching so much.
Did find something that helped though! My mum bought these gel packs because she had restless legs. You can put them in the fridge or put them in boiled water to use them as heat packs. Using them cold or warm really helps. They're awesome. I like to use them warm but yeah they are a God send! Lol. My mum got them from the chemist. :)
i lay on my back on the floor with a pillow under my bum when its really bad. or half lay on a hot water bottle. also.. im constantly on paracetamol.
hope yuo feel better soon and the pain goes away! XX
He might be lying back to back. Try kneeling and rocking on all fours hun. I get really bad backache when his back is against mine. I hate backache!

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