back pains


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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i have some major back ache but the thing is.....its in a weird place.

its not your typical lower back pains but right under my right shoulder blade.
asked hubby to massage it and it only made it worse. tried warm baths and even deep heat and nothing is working.

does anyone have any tips that might help and/or a reason as to why im only getting it in one place.

help plllllleeeeeease
I keep getting this. I'm going with the assumption that it's my bra being done up too tightly and/or poor posture.x
I have a trapped a nerve between my shoulder blade and spine and is so painful. Have seen the chiropractor and he said it may take a couple of days to calm down. He also said it could be down to my body compensation for my bump causing it - might be something similar in your case.

If it too bad go and get it check out.
I have been getting this too, though under my left shoulder blade rather than my right! Also, will sound stupid, but have really uncomfortable ribs on my left hand side, can't find a way to sit to get comfy at all! Thought all this would come later in pregnancy!
i cant seem to shift the pain though and its always in the same spot. its really annoying. deep heat rub doesnt even work.
i doubt i need to see a chiropractor as its not a major back problem. its a muscular pain.

is it safe to have a deep tissue massage during pregnancy??
Snap, same spot all the time! I think massages are ok, as long as they avoid using certain oils.
You should be fine with a deep tissue massage hun, its only aromatherapy massages that they have to avoid certain essential oils, not the base oils!Really hope your feeling better soon xxx
I got that on my left side last night walking home, was really sore.
I ahve this on the left side of my back where my ribs are?? cant sit comfortably at all!

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