Back from the docs... sigh


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2006
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Well... you probably remember me ranting about not knowing if I ovulated this month or not...well...I booked a consult with him today and to see if it's worth checking my progesterone levels to see if I ovulated this month. Well...he said from the results from my ultrasound last month (my ovaries looked as if I'm not ovulating...:( I thought he meant just that cycle...but apparently it's that I'm just not ovulatory full stop right now.) that doing a progesterone test is probably not necessary because even if I did ovulate with my cycles being so long (42 days last month) and irregular right now then it still not a normal ovulation. He said it should be less than 35 days really. Well... he said to see if my period comes at the same time this month as last month (I have like 7 days left) if not then take a pregnacy test, if negative take progesterone he prescribed to make me bleed. Then on 3rd day of bleeding start taking clomid... so there ya go... looks like I'm officially taking clomid if I'm not pregnant this time...which I doubt very very seriously that I am. We have also booked in for a sperm analysis which I'm glad my DH has been worrying that it could be him causing the fertility problem. We'll see.

Sorry for the long post...just thought I'd catch you up a bit.

Good news... clomid can cause twin in 1 out of 10 people taking it! I like those odds! Twins would be lovely!
Aw Hunny I hope it all works out for you
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Get that holiday to italy booked
:pray: for you
:hug: :hug: :hug: Aww, sweetie! It's gonna be just fine. At least now you know exactly what you're up against and you have a plan of attack. You know what steps to take, and I'm sure that has to ease your brain just a little.

I'm hoping that you'll get a BFP this month , for right now.
Then, if not, you know what to do next, and maybe you'll get those twins!!!

Best of luck dear!

at least you're heading in the right direction Jamie :hug:
Good luck and if it helps my SIL had two gorgeous kids on clomid. So it does work!
:hug: :hug:
At least now you know whats going on and if you don't get your BFP this month then at least you have gottn something to help :hug: :hug:

Here's to twins!!! :D
i met up with a lass in hospital who had taken clomid, and she had triplets.. :shock:

so like others have said yes it does work hun
all the best :hug:
i met up with a lass in hospital who had taken clomid, and she had triplets.. :shock:

so like others have said yes it does work hun
all the best :hug:
Wishing you all the luck in the world...

Twins would be a bonus! :D
Hi jamiered,

just wanted to say, I came off the pill and had 2 cycles of 42 days and then on the third cycle I concieved! By my calculations and my due date, that third cycle was going to be 42 days aswell.

So don't listen to the doctors when they say you can't conceive with cycles that long, I was ovulating fine, they were just long cycles. I think I was getting positive OPKs around day 27!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: At least now you know your going to be getting some help. That puts you a lot closer to conceiving hun. Twins would be fab!
Thanks girls..

KJ...thanks for you story. Unfortunately my ultrasound showed that I wasn't ovulating. He didn't say it was impossible to conceive with long cycles...just impossible if I wasn't ovulating (obvously! lol)... I think he is just concerned mostly because I haven't been regular since my m/c last year... so he's main priority is to see if I can get my cycles back to normal then get me pregnant..(well not for 'him' to get me pregnant...but my DH of course! lol :rotfl: ). I'm so glad to hear you conceived with no trouble though! That's awesome!

I think I'm gonna try the clomid... I'm kinda nervous...bc it makes it more...real, doesn't it? :shock: Here's to hoping...

OH...and twins would be just fabulous!!! My DH said he'd be over the moon for twins!
That's great that your doctor is helping you to take positive steps Jamie :hug:

Like you, I love the idea of twins :D (double the trouble and all :lol: ) - OH isn't quite so keen though.

I will certainly be keeping a keen eye on your story :hug: :hug:

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