Back from second attempt at 20w scan with pics and team....


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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What a horrid sonographer!! Felt so uncomfortable and unwanted! Hardly saw baby at all as baby was still in bad position for things we missed last time.. She tilted the bed right back so I was slightly upside down.. OH and mil saw it all and I saw nothing :( she proper dug in the scanning thingy and really hurt me :'( I didnt complain coz it was to see the baby and make sure it's ok..
The last woman was so kind and took her time, and let us have a walk and drink to get baby to move on it's own..
This one literally finished and tried to usher us out.. I couldn't leave without a pic tho especially as I hadn't seen a damn thing! So I asked of we could have a pic and she huffed and debated letting us.. But agreed and took 4 quick pics.. Usually they point it all out but she just said 'can you see the Tongue?' and that's it.. Don't blame baby for sticking it's tongue out at her!!!
Bitch!! Lol
Anyway, we got our pics in the end lol.. And baby is fine :) I'll have a look at my notes and see the measurements I'm sure someone asked yesterday..
Oh and I'm Team Yellow still :)
Totally ignored the looks I got from OH and mil when I said no sex!!


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Geez what a bitch, sorry to hear that :( but glad all seems well and what lovely pics awwww xxxxxxxxx
did u get her name? i would make a formal complaint about her. this is your pregnancy and you should enjoy seeing your little one on the screen, not made to feel like another number.

I sometimes feel for the scan people cos they see it everday more than once so dont get as excited as us as we only get to see them once every so often, but still doesnt give them to right to speak to mummies like that!

And congrats on staying team yellow! I couldnt lol. x
I can't believe hoiw horrible she was!!! Grrrr so out of order! Great pics tho
Great pics sorry she was such a bitch though !! i would complain too!!. Mine wsnt very talkatve but at least pointed everything out !!!! xxxx
I was even more annoyed at the fact my youngest daughter was there and i want her to bond with the baby more than my eldest as she is having some jealousy with my niece :(

I know they are just there to check the baby etc and dont really have to entertain us, but its a special moment for mothers and fathers, children and family.. i was embarrassed coz mil was there and i had really gone on about how great my first 20w scan was and how amazingly nice the lady was.. apparently she (sono) gave Ellie a dirty look too, but i didnt see that.. if i had i would have asked to be seen by someone else there and then.

It really bloody hurt but i didnt want to complain..

My OH said he had never felt so uncomfortable as if he was in the way :(

I wish i had the money for a 4d scan :( (or even just a normal black and white one as he isnt too sure if he likes the 4d scans) so he can have the full experience as its his first baby

His mum said she would pay for a scan if we were finding out the sex (16weeks).. wish i took her up on the offer and just said we dont want to find out when we got there lol.. but id have felt bad.

Just annoying how she didnt even point anything out to us.. :( feel cheated.. especially as we drove nearly an hour to get there!

Sorry, needed to rant :(

At least the baby is okay and cute :) looks like it has a double chin tho lol!
oh and i told her we didnt want to know the sex at the start and she didnt even look at me just went 'mmm'
as if i was putting her out having to have this second scan..

If i was in that line of work id get a kick out of making people happy like the other lady did!

I think i can see a little winkie in one of the scan pics... hmmmm....
(id be annoyed if she knew we didnt want to know and printed a pic of the sex)
Ive been told by the nub theory its a girl and by bump its a boy.. but im still 80/20 its a girl.. so if there was a chance in these pics it looks like a boy then that would make it more 50/50 for me!
Oh honey, I'm sorry she was such a cow-bag. But I'm glad all is well with baby, don't worry, that's the main thing. x
ema-lou i didnt get her name.. hardly got a look out of her! usually they introduce themselves etc..
Was more concerned about baby being ok etc and just letting her get on with it so she could stop hurting me! Still.. pissed off :mad:
Unfortunately all mw/sonos cant be like the last one we were lucky enough to have!
:( how crap!! It's important to make people at least feel like you're interested, even if you aren't :hug: x
Sorry you had a crappy time this time, she sounds horrible! Why do that job if your not going to be nice to people and share the happiness! Well done on team yellow though, I'm like you though keep thinking I might have seen a little willy on mine lol! We'll find out in 4 months!
Weird coz i thought i saw girly bits on the first 20w scan but boy bits in the pic of this one.. didnt get to see any of it live coz i was upside down lol just when she huffed and started again to get the pics..

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