Back from my scan and its a....


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2006
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Hi :wave:

Had my scan this morning. Sonographer was great and showed me everything. Baby is fine, parts in all the right places and the baby was wriggling away. At one point it had it's hands behind its head like it was sunbathing!

Anyway, we are having a...

....boy!!!! Really pleased. We already have one son so they will be able to play together. My house is slowly turning into a boy zone though!!!!

Got the difficult task of choosing a name now. Boys names are so hard!!!
wow congratulations to u xxxx
hope our baby is ok on our scan on friday, u must be exciting, it must be lovely to know that everything is ok xx
congratulations..... I'm just starting to get ready for mine now and I'm getting well excited.

congratulations on your blue bump

Can I ask how long you were in there for???
Aw congrats on the big blue household !!!
I agree that boys names are harder too, we dont know what were having yet, but he have quite a few girls names we love and like 1 boys name, we like-ish/ some of the time lol bound to be a little guy eh !
Congratulations! How lovely 2 boys!!

I think girls names are harder probably as I thought that I would always have a blue household so I never really contemplated girly names
Congratulations Lynsey! Glad the scan went well and lovely news another little boy! :cheer:

Sarah x
Thanks everyone! The news is just about sinking in now!

Chrissy - we were in there about 10/15 minutes. I think you are having yours as I type this so fingers crossed everything is going well! :D

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