back from hospital - eye appointment

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I mentioned under the 'general anaesthetic' therad that i had an emergency eye appointment booked - well it was because i thoguht i had a shadow in my vision.

I went in and the eye doc was very nice, he had a look and i've got a ubble in my eye (to go nicely with the 2 tears i already have!)
And i've got to go back in 3 weeks. They want to see if the bubble has changed - if so i'll have some laser surgery - not as scary as it sounds - i've had it twice before and it's a short procedure and doesn't involve being admitted or anything and all they do is numb the eye.

But it's good that it wasn't the start of a detachment!

I still find it amusing that retinal tears are most common in old men. Ah well.
Im glad its not as bad as you were expecting and shudnt be too painful for you. Will that be done whilst your pregnant?

My mum had a detached retina as a child - permanently wears glasses now!!
Good to hear its not as bas as you first thought & that you don't have to have a general.

I had corrective sight laser surgery in 2006, would the laser you might end up having be similar?
hi, i'm not sure if it's similar or not to be honest! I think it's slightly less precise. The last 2 times i had it done i was sitting up with my chin on a chin rest thing, they had a lens against my eyeball and bascially there was lots of flashing lights! Lol. That's the only way i can describe it!

With the maser i have/had they are just sealing the ends of the tear so it can't tear any more.

I'm glad it won't mean a general eithe. And with the laser, there'd be no ahrm to the baby whatsoever! Just annoying that my eyes are falling apart.!!
Hi Hon
just seen your posts
had a bad day and only just got home and had dinner.
Anyway glad your eyes are not as bad as you where fearing. :D
Sorry you have had problems with your eyes on top of your back pain.
Hears a big hug from me :hug:
How's your back now?
Hears a big caburys egg and a giant cake
hope you like them
Lo Sarah :hug:



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