Back from Growth Scan!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Well..........the good news is bubs is measuring 33.5 weeks - apparently you couldnt get much more spot on, which was great news especially as the MW thought I was measuring 5 weeks too small!!!

But now I also know why the MW's measurements have been so wrong - what they thought was his head at every antenatal check-up, is actually his bottom :oops: and he is completely breech and not head down as they have been telling me for weeks. His head is tucked snugly under my ribs and he is sitting very comfortably on my bladder - hence all the pressure I get down there.

So my little darling has 4 weeks to turn!! The hospital midwife I had to see after the scan assures me if/when he turns I will feel it and it might make me feel quite ill, she also told me that only 25% dont actually turn!!

I know a few of you have had breech babies that have recently turned, so did you feel it when they turned, and also was your LO's head tucked right under your ribs?

To be honest Im not overly worried, and although I would much prefer a natural birth if it comes to it and I have to have a c-section - then so be it, Im just so unbelievably relieved that my LO is well, healthy and the right size :D
awww that is good news! :hug:

i have the sneaky suspicion my bubs might be breech too and its his/her head i'm feeling under my ribs and not bottom!!!!! will let you know when i have my appointment next week!
well thats good news!!

mine was breech for a few weeks, one evening i was sat in the cinema with OH and had this pain in my stomach, baby was moving ALOT. it lasted about 10 minutes and then i went quite light headed and felt very sick, i think this was him turning.
He still didnt turn head down and has sat transverse (straight across my stomach) ever since but this is really quite unheard of so cant see this happening for you, i just like to be different :roll: but yea i deffinately did feel it when baby turned.

glad all is ok hun
My bubs was breech until 2-3 weeks ago - i felt lots of movement one evening when lay in bed, like he was dragging feet and arms across my tummy, it was quite painful and i didnt sleep all night

The next day i felt stronger movements / kicks etc on the right hand side and a round thing on the left at the top which when i pushed on it, moved the whole bump

I knew at that moment he'd turned - and luckily he's stayed there :dance:

Fingers crossed he moves for you - my MW suggested bouncing on my gym ball, getting on my knees and putting head and arms on the flor in front, and finally a bag of frozen peas on the top of my bump to make him move away from the cold :lol:
Give them a go - its got to be worth a try - also look at

AND finally - in fact research shows that while 25% of babies are in the breech position at 32 weeks gestation; this drops to three percent at term !!
Thats great news about the measurements hun glad to here its well, i didnt feel my bubs turn at all must of done it while i was sleeping. :D
thats great that baby is measuring ok :cheer:
my 4th was breech till 34 weeks then he turnt by the time i went for my next appointment, didnt feel him turn though but as i said it was my 4th so probley plenty of room
lisaspoon said:
i have the sneaky suspicion my bubs might be breech too and its his/her head i'm feeling under my ribs and not bottom!!!!! will let you know when i have my appointment next week!

Im quite skeptical now about what my MW's say (there are 2 of them who do a job share).

Both of them every appointment managed to convince me he was head down from my 25 week appointment, and even showed me where his head was - which is actually his butt :oops: !!!

Think I always knew something wasnt quite right as have always felt most movement very low down, and even now the strong painful movements are very very low (under my bump). I do feel some movement in the middle of my tum, Im presuming his hands, but have never felt anything higher up, under my ribs etc, and couldnt work out if he was head down why I wasnt feeling any higher movements from kicking feet - well now I know why!!!

It actually makes me smile, as my DH was breech and never turned - thats just his stubborn nature and I cant help thinking "like father, like son"! Im certainly going to do the things suggested and try and get him to turn!

Thanks so much for the advice and lovely comments......... :hug:
Awww @ taking after daddy! :D (hope mine dont, he was two weeks late and over 10lb!!!!)

Good luck hun! Hope bubs turns for you! :hug:

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