Back at work


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2005
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I started back at work a week ago and I HATE it :( I hate my hours, I hate the people I am sitting next to and I hate being away from Rubie :evil: And the b******s wont let me work the hours I want, so I'm NOT happy. I can either carry on like this (working 5 days a week) or go bankrupt with the amount of wages I will earn if I do the hours they are offering. For gods sake I have a baby, doesn't anyone in my work understand that?? Sorry just needed to get that off my chest :oops:
Nasty, horrible, unsympathetic! :moon: :evil:
Im sorry your hating every minute of work hun....I hope it gets better for you. They do have to be co-operative with your hours though, legally.
Hope it isnt FT for long. Nice to see ya back, we have missed ya :D
Aww kim :hug: I have the situation too i hate being at work and being away from my to lo's aswell but i have no choice bills to pay etc although my work are good about my hours etc so i cant grumble to much i guess? :wink:
They have to "consider" my request Sarah, but they aren't obliged to give me what I ask for, that's where they get out of it :evil:
kim i thought employers are meant to be flexible as regards with the hours you want to work?
Sounds like your having a crud time Kim, I hope you get things sorted out soon
I cant believe how many women have employer problems once they have a baby!!!
My employer dragged me into the office when Charlie was 7 weeks old and said I was being investigated for possible fraud transactions, he would send me the evidence to check and for me to call to arrange a date for a discplinary hearing....No evidence was ever sent, I heard nothing else during my leave and when I asked for a return to work meeting to discuss me returning they acted as though nothing had happended :x
Well, I found another job which is 7 miles away from home whereas I would have been working around the corner, for £2k less a year as well as having to pay for petrol now as well and feel really fed up about the situation but my new employers have been really nice stating that 5 women have returned from maternity throughout the years and are very happy returning so it gave me hope to work for a company where I am wanted and they also mentioned that they fully understand I have a new baby and will support me should I need time out or help!!!
Kim...I was under the impression that employers had to be flexible with you "Within Reason"
Hope today was better hun....Just think day off tommorrow!

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